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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by dylanmboutin

  1. doesn't 100% matter about being reported, its the bot like movements, repetitive mouse movements in the same pattern, you need a good antiban script
  2. https://gyazo.com/68cdb19ea6dbcc065025170fee86f82b
  3. could i get a trail want to train my hardcore with pest control
  4. yeah osbot is different than PB and better in my opinion
  5. khaleesi can u check you're pm's? please

  6. can i get a trial you gave me an rc trial when i pm'd you, please
  7. i need feedback for sure, ill do 2free rest 1.8m ea skype: LzDylanzL
  8. could i please have a trial?
  9. i threw up a little, i loved the game at the beginning then it became boredom doing the same stuff over and over unloading millions of bullets into an enemy. the patches now look promising though but i'm still scared
  10. Could i please have a trial?
  11. 3-4 is fine are you using proxies? also if you are able to babysit for a minute or two and strike a convo in a clan chat or public it helps, i've been botting agility for 9-10hrs at a time, i interact with people every once and awhile in a CC and i think it helps, are you also taking advantage or mirror mode?
  12. does this support pyramids? would be nice for Iron man's
  13. may i try this again didn't know you had ottos so i did cathy lob but would like to see xp/hr with ottos
  14. is otto's broken? just stands there and does nothing. Edit: had to click fishing spot to get it to start, also you should add a drop function that looks similar to AHK since it'll drop way faster and looks more legit than going from left to right every time.
  15. could i get a trial would love to try otto's
  16. could i possibly get a trial for this?
  17. Alright script is awesome, i bought it, a few herbs and the torch wont bank though might need to be added to the list?
  18. any way i could possibly get a trial again? was only able to test for an hour from being at work, so only used for an hour before i had to go to bed, would be greatly appreciated. i did get a tomb of fire first crate, would love to try for a few hours if possible. don't even need a 24hr trail just a few hours
  19. are you giving out trials for this script? not sure how it works with 10hp accounts and would like to know before buying
  20. May i please have a trial?
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