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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Master00j

  1. 1 hour ago, Butta said:

    if you want to do this without programming use this: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Experience/Table

    Paste all levels and XP on the sheet > sum(difference XP) * gp/xp

    not exactly what I'm looking for, since most skills have different gp/xp rates. I made 1 page with the levels and their cp's and then I got stuck, think  I just don't have the knowledge about this code.

    on 'blad 2' are all the skills and their xp's.59f4b8325a8d8_Screenshotatokt.2819-01-49.thumb.png.59e8996e83ab9c905c2af73b3a907ca9.png 59f4b8a113d98_blad2.png.e32a6e63139ab13ddf57dd5e7932cb87.png



  2. I'm working on some spreadsheet for my services and I would like to add some skill calculator in it. But i have no clue on how to get this working.
    Does anyone have some experience with google spreadsheet or exel?


    Some examle of what i need.

    so start level 1 in this case and desired level 60. I want an auto calculated price in the 'price collum'.



  3. Just now, terratraitor said:

    Do you agree with the Requirments (included paying a deposit): Sure, not the richest person tho

    What  tasks are you willing to do: Anything u require me to do

    What is your skype: fuckskypebtchz

    How long a day you can be online to do services: 10-15hours ea day, not a joke

    Have you done other services before: In the very past. Yes

    sent you a skype request

  4. 45 minutes ago, cmante7 said:

    Do you agree with the Requirments (included paying a deposit): yes, not sure also if i will have enough for certain things but making small gains building up

    What  tasks are you willing to do: skilling questing and some minigames (if i dont know ill learn it)

    What is your skype: stealthjoker

    How long a day you can be online to do services: weekdays 8 hours max weekends depends if im available usually am so 8 hours also

    Have you done other services before: no but willing to learn the ropes

    talking to you on skype

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