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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Master00j

  1. Just now, Decode said:

    Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. That isn't something we can use though. Like i said, if you were nearing completion, this dispute would've taken a different course. You have no one to blame but yourself. 

    i'm willing to refund 18m (for the left over xp) and a bond.

  2. Just now, Decode said:

    Plenty of people give servicers extra time, but when he saw things weren't going as smoothly even after giving you extra time, he decided to post the dispute. 

    yes but maybe he was thinking. if i let them train for more days and after that i make a dispute. so i can have this service for free.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Decode said:

    You're forgetting the fact that he was expecting his account to be done and actually play/do other things on it. 

    yes, but why he didn't mentioned us earlier bout this like on day 14/15. instead of day 25. thats like 1-12days we spend on the acc. and on day 25 he wants a fully refund of 38m?

    sounds not fair to me sorry

  4. 2 minutes ago, Decode said:




    Your worker told him it was a 1-2 week job. You are a service owner and you're responsible for your worker. 

    Also, i would like to say that although you giving him a full refund might sound absurd,  you can't tell him it'll be done in 1-2 weeks and then 4 weeks later the account is on 74/80 strength which im pretty sure is just a little above 50% completion. 

    Yes, but that means we overcrossed the time frame with 2weeks whats equal to a bond. and ofc we refund for the xp that isn't been reached atm 75stre and paulo told me we need to refund 18m (total payment was 38m) so 18m + bond would be correct i suppose.

  5. not totaly agree with this i'm sorry. 


    we never discussed a final time-frame and i think paulo got 8-10hrs game-play for sure. and he had some irl issueses as he explained. so i think if you expected 14days time frame (something we never discussed) but ok since we didn't reach the 10-12hrs everyday due some irl problems. i think refund for the xp that hasn't been trained and 1extra bond will be fair. 

    Also i'm not acting like everything is fine but what you ask is that we give a totaly free service. you expected a 14days time-frame (not even sure where you get that time from.) we started on 1 april so you expect that the service would be finished 15 april. 

     that Date you didn't complain bout anything. we just continue the service. And on 25 april you just like 'guys this took me to long' and you started this dispute.  i'm offering you a 'free' bond. just to make up the 2weeks. seems pretty fair to me. since you started complaining 25th



    since it was a fresh acc Paulo (my worker) paid for the memberships/gear/pots/foods.

    stats that has been reached 1-75stre/1-20def

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  6. 19 minutes ago, Decode said:

    If you two could sort this out between yourselves that'd be great, but do keep us updated here.

    yes think we can work this out. just seems like i have to refund for the xp thats not trained. if he agree with that?

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