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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Master00j

  1. what quests are added with the new update? and will you add some quests like dt/mm or isn't that possible.


    some vouch: did all the nmz quests/ava's accum last saturday.  didn't received any ban.

  2. 1 hour ago, Token said:



    Are you using mirror mode? Do you happen to have some chats disabled on that account like, public/game?

    not using mirror mode, I do have the chats open. 

  3. got some little bug. 

    at Ernest the chicken.

    When poisening the fountain the bot clicks to fast and results in not taking the item out of it but instead the bot is going back to the mansion to get the poison and the fish food

  4. Tried the script on 54range 70Def 70Hp 46Pray account, Achieved the cape in 170mins. Only one time it got stuck in the wave where 2 180's spawn and one 360.

    bot was pray flicking mage but didn't move from the 2 180's. Had to move it manually. Further more it runs flawless


    My set-up:

    16 super restore

    12 sara brews

    addy c-bow with addy bolts

    amulet of fury

    blue d-hide

    rune kite shield

    snakeskin boots



    So i would say this script is awseome, Just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get stuck. 

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  5. Think we're all getting older and making some future plans, For some people those future plans do not included playing Runescape. Further more there are so much other games to play and I think younger people (12-18 years old) are more for the other games then playing some oldschool Runescape. (League of Legends is growing very fast as for example).

    I remember my first time online on Runescape it was such a great time back then (2007). But as noticed above, New games are taking over and Runescape isn't that populair anymore as it was in the good old days.

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