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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Master00j

  1. 18 minutes ago, KoRtEr said:

    LOL nice try

    Nice, I bought Fruity NMZ already. I botted on one account so far and it's already banned.

    On average, how many hours a day/a week did you bot for?

    I usually bot for 5 hours a day for every day of the week.

    i def. botted longer then 5hrs a day.

  2. since nmz is mostly afk. it is pretty safe to bot! Altought there will always be a chance you do get banned.

    i've botted 91-99stre 94-99attack 91-99defence with "fruity nmz" and it worked perfect for me!

    ran for over 24hrs straight sometimes.

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