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    Attevolution gym

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  1. Regarding your antiban this is a little long winded but I'd like to hear your thoughts. I have always believed that the anti cheat looks for patterns, intervals between clicks, time spent doing the same action repeatedly (such as fletching for 6 hours perfectly and never pausing or moving the mouse of screen etc). I think we all know this, but I know a lot of scripters "randomize" the movements but it usually just seems to swap between a few different patterns that eventually the anticheat learns and picks up on. I think breaks are good but kind of useless if you are nonstop fletching, logout, log back in and start fletching nonstop again with no mistakes. You get the idea. Your idea about misclicking is exactly what I have been requesting with my private scripts. Along with random pauses varying in time, right clicking players, moving the mouse across the inventory and screen in different patterns etc with occasional misclicks. I also have good luck with double clicking things like food occasionally and constantly checking the skill tab and hovering over the xp left. Anything that can break up the repetitive appearing nature of botting. I think it all comes down to pattern detection. I believe they have stated that can they detect if the client is using injection, if they see you are injecting the client and also displaying common bot characteristics that is probably enough to cause a ban. They have also stated on a livestream that they can detect a bot logging in. Not sure how accurate this is though. What I really want to know is if the bot detection system is always running. Do you think something has to trigger it for the anticheat to start watching your account? I imagine if it was always watching logging and calculating every players behavior it would take up an insane amount of resources right? Could it be built into the client itself? They didn't like that Runelite was not obfuscated maybe there is something to that? What do you think?
  2. Wouldn't the pattern being different from the scripts on the SDN be valuable? Thanks for the info
  3. Really been interested in purchasing one for agility or nmz. Do you notice less accounts getting banned? Or any at all?
  4. He pmed me the account isent him a pm back. Just what I was looking for, thanks.
  5. Paying in OSRS or paypal if desired. Pm me what you have. Also interested in level 3s with good totals.
  6. Don't want to bot it, just want to learn it. I know how to compile an old version of runelite. But dont know how to get RS running after that.
  7. Miesha

    Buying Pure

    I have this @Chuckle is original owner. has all pure quests done. Have it listed on another botting website right now. 130m
  8. Miesha

    Lf skiller

    Title. Want something with decent stats. High agility is a huge plus.
  9. Looking to have barrows gloves completed from a level 3. I'll supply bond of course. Trusted users only. And sounds ironic but it needs to be bot free.
  10. Title, I see people selling these accounts for cheap but I thought it took like 3 days an account. So how do they even profit when it you account for the time spent botting + bond? I want to make one for myself though so wondering how long they normally take for 75 tickets Thanks
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