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  1. Hello, Can i get a trail please? Thanks in advance
  2. Hello Khal, Can I have a trail? Thanks in advance ;)
  3. Can i have a trail mate? Thanks.
  4. Well actually its slower i guess. but when u hit 99 and fish dem dank sharks its actually a bit faster with hands + u get strenght xp (not sure aboot agil)
  5. Hey Khaleesi, I noticed you don't have barbarian fishing (fishing without harpoon, bare hands). It's like 96 fishing req for sharks (the other ones idk). Can you add it to the script. Meanwhile i have 95 fishing with botting 7+ hours a day. Thanks in advance!
  6. Hello Khaleesi, I am using your script for a while now. I bot like 5-8 hours a day (barbarian fishing). its working out pretty well, gj. When choosing wich fish i want to catch the are 3 options like leaping trout,salmon,stugeon. Cant those options be 1? It ain't a problem just a suggestion. ty
  7. Hellu khal, When powerfishing, if you stop the script while he drops the fish, he keeps dropping until he is finished dropping all of them. idk if this is a bug or suposed to be like that. Just wanted to say that. Good script bought it. 9/10
  8. Khaleesi, Why didn't you give me some trail? Do i need to do something first in order to earn one? I guess ill just need to buy it then..
  9. Hello, i would like to have a trail. Thanks in advance. Btw, i will definitely buy it if it's good.
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