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  1. monkeym

    Stealth NMZ

    Could you help me out? I'm dharoking with absorption and overloads but the script is not guzzling/ eating the rock cake. Perhaps you could post a pic of your settings? Thank you!
  2. monkeym

    Stealth NMZ

    You cannot consume outside the dream.... It seems it is not guzzling the cake too. Also. When using a speacial weapon, Dharok's main weapon is Dharok's greataxe 100 but it then will degrade and probably glitch the script... (i.e. it will become Dharok's greataxe 50)
  3. monkeym

    Stealth NMZ

    Can I consult a guide for Dharok's using this script? I am having a little trouble tweaking it. It never consumes an overload before starting, for example. I do not use prayers apart from rapid heal flicking. Thanks!
  4. These guys are awesome. got my stuff in 10 minutes! CHEAP AND FRIENDLY. I am so happy
  5. Could I try APA Sand Crabs? Thank you!
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