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  1. avid

    OSBot 2.4.148

    whaaaa sos webwalking? Does this fix the 10sec wait bug between interacting with sos doors? NICE! (Also rippp flesh crawlers, inb4 nerf).
  2. So I have my own custom combat script, runs dungeons. Thing's been working beautifully in mirror mode for entire month. That is until tuesday 12/19/2017. (I'm unsure if the update was on monday or tuesday, I only noticed an update because my konduit hooks were busted). Anyways, dialogs are working, webwalking working, but the script just doesn't seem to notice ground items from time to time. In that, it will loot randomly, but the rest of the time it will ignore piles of loot all over the ground. Script hasn't been modified since the beginning of December. Still works in injection mode. Was working perfectly sunday night. Last night, came back to 3 items looted when it usually pulls 60-90 items in the hour I run it. Watched it, it just ignores loot on mirror mode. Walking - Good Eating - Good Doors/Dialog - Good Combat - Good Looting - Busted on mirror, works perfect on injection. Nothing funky in error log. Anyone else experiencing similar looting issues?
  3. I had a NPE going on in the combat portion. That was adding 1gig of memory usage! It's down to .9 gigs now. Which works for my setup right now. When I need to reduce it more, I'll fiddle with paths and walking instead of webwalker. Thanks again.
  4. Good idea! Does java work like that though, where it allocates memory for the object regardless of whether it's code block is entered? I guess that makes sense. (Been a while since I've worked in a pre-compiled language). I'll comment out the walking and see if that's the cause. If it is, could this be avoided via encasing the webwalk even in a function call? On that matter, would it be more memory efficient to hard code multiple paths through a dungeon and then only use the webwalker for banking? (rather than using the webwalker to enter/exit/navigate floors on the dungeon?)
  5. Ello all, thanks for stopping by! Running a combat script I made. Pretty new to programming within a JVM. However, task manager (windows) is reporting 1.9gigs of memory usage (with render turned off and low cpu)... Is my script just THAT BAD? I have web walking in a section, but it should only be called when we are outside of the combat area for whatever reason. if(!targetArea.contains(myPlayer()) && !myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving()) { log("webwalk event"); WebWalkEvent evt = new WebWalkEvent(targetArea); evt.setBreakCondition(new Condition() { @Override public boolean evaluate() { return dialogues.inDialogue(); } }); execute(evt); } Is this causing 1.9 gigs of memory usage? Is there any way to manually GC while the event is not in use? Is there something else causing the massive memory usage? The filter for enemy acquisition? Surely the area's are stored as points in some way and not taking up globs of memory? Are there any other data structures I should be keeping an eye on for memory usage when using the API? Appreciate your experience, Avid
  6. Hello all, thanks for reading! So, I am putting together a lil script that requires some custom obstacle handling. All fine and dandy, I got the handler written and if I let it run while I path manually, it blazes through the obstacle at breakneck speeds! HOWEVER, if I use the setBreakCondition feature of WebWalkEvent the script takes a good 1-3 seconds before it even begins handling the obstacle. Script's current delays as set by me: onLoop(): 200 WebWalkEvent evt = new WebWalkEvent(targetArea); evt.setBreakCondition(new Condition() { @Override public boolean evaluate() { return dialogues.inDialogue(); } }); execute(evt); I figured it could be the dialogues.inDialogue(); check, but generally it is returning extremely quick (so I don't think it is causing the 1-3 second delay). Note this isn't a killer for the script, just very noticeable and slow. Anyone know what's up? Thanks in advance for your advice, Avid EDIT: Upon timing the delay, it's anywhere from 1-10 seconds. The ten second delays, seeming like forever!
  7. avid


    @Kim Won the VIP giveaway sweepstakes! This is the first time I have ever won ANYTHING in a giveaway! I am so excited! Thank you so much. Hope I can make good use of your gift and eventually contribute some solid knowledge/scripting to the community!
  8. I've been working on a stronghold, but if you do one, I'm getting VIP.
  9. Amazing and clean. Very clean. Not sure where you're at in Dev for this tool, but if I had another Tab for "scheduling" where I could pick a configuration and give it a time to run+break settings, this thing would be a monster. I envision the tab to contain a caldender type interface, where in which you click it gives you a list of hours, click the hours, and it lists all your configs scheduled for that hour (and a +-button to add more). Refer to image for rough idea.
  10. This is Hot. Brings client on par with some older clients I used to love!
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