So I have my own custom combat script, runs dungeons. Thing's been working beautifully in mirror mode for entire month. That is until tuesday 12/19/2017.
(I'm unsure if the update was on monday or tuesday, I only noticed an update because my konduit hooks were busted). Anyways, dialogs are working, webwalking working, but the script just doesn't seem to notice ground items from time to time. In that, it will loot randomly, but the rest of the time it will ignore piles of loot all over the ground.
Script hasn't been modified since the beginning of December. Still works in injection mode. Was working perfectly sunday night. Last night, came back to 3 items looted when it usually pulls 60-90 items in the hour I run it. Watched it, it just ignores loot on mirror mode.
Walking - Good
Eating - Good
Doors/Dialog - Good
Combat - Good
Looting - Busted on mirror, works perfect on injection.
Nothing funky in error log.
Anyone else experiencing similar looting issues?