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  1. I only bot on my pure that is my only account. I have used my login info in the osbot setup for automatic login and breaks. Was it because of that? I have still not got a reply back from the guy. Do you know a admin that i can contact with?
  2. I don't know man. I am really sad i don't know what to do now. I have used my login info in the osbot setup for automatic login and breaks. Was it because of that?
  3. No it is a local script from a well known seller. Yes i have used my login info for automatic login and breaks but i have used this in the osbot setup. If i have been hacked from this, That means osbot might not be trusted?
  4. No it is not a sdn script. Just a local from a well known seller.
  5. How? do you think because of osbot or the scripts?
  6. It is from a well known scripter with high positive feedbacks. No it can't. I know this might sounds stupid but i know what i am doing. are you trolling me? why?
  7. Yesterday i got hacked for my bank 190m for using a certain script. (I will not say the name until i get a reply from the seller). if i don't get a answerr back i will make the name of the seller public. I have been using this script for more than a year and never had problems unitl yesterday. My bank is cleaned. I am really sad atm I have put so many hours on my account. And no i don't clicked on any fake links or visited fishy sites. Has someone here hacked in the past using osbot? How i have been hacked? I want to speak to a Admin. please contact me. This was my bank:
  8. @Czar Could I get a trial please? Thanks in advance.
  9. @Khaleesi Could I get a trial please?
  10. - Script name - Khal AIO Caged Ogres - trial length - 24 hours - Reason for trial - Looking to purchase the script - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Yes, of course I will give feed back
  11. Can i have a trial please. Thanks!
  12. If you get caugth you will get a perm bann, even if you not botted before. My advice is to you if you wanna bot, don't bot 24/7 or 8/9 hours a day. bot couple of hours and take breaks like 30min.
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