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  1. It no longer re-enters games no does it eat the rock cake
  2. the only problem im having is it wont drink the potion after i start the game up. I just hovers over the potion to start the game. other then that great script!
  3. Hey just a quick question you will be adding ZMI to this script when u can right?
  4. hey the script doesnt eat the rock cake when i start it before i join the game just letting you know it was working fine before but it started messing up i assume with the recent updates
  5. so ive run this script 3 times now to no avail, first time was the best made it to about wave 50 before i died, the other two times it literally just drank all my potions and i failed around wave ten.... stats are 87 def 67 range 48 prayer, any tips?
  6. Should i just restart becuz the beginning of every round it prayers range then turns off and just takes the hits and hasnt used any prayer yet idk i choose magic cuz i thought it was asking which do i prefer to pray to when it comes to later rounds but besides all this its a great script it hides around corners perfectly
  7. It also isnt prayer range on the beginning levels its just taking the hits wasting brews
  8. What bolts should i use? 86 range 85 deff 70 prayer i can also use full void
  9. I got you how do I show u error in logs? http://imgur.com/N3YXnkT Ill have to take a photo of the setup once i finish this round but can u post a picture of the way it should be set up for dharoking absorb with overloads? Where do I start the script and does it pull the potions from the barrels or bank?
  10. Why'd I buy this? i just paid 10$ for a script to pray flick rapid restore. It doesnt drink Absorbs even when i have them set and doesnt grab any items and doesnt start the dream.
  11. hey could i grab a trial for this? I've been using the other script I wanna compare this one out before i buy it
  12. script isnt working for me
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