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Everything posted by camley123

  1. Does he own the script "stealth quester" and if he does can we have maldesto check the logs to see if he used it for this service?
  2. yea i must of been botting the chaos druids on mobile https://prnt.sc/kcf0rr this screenshot shows time/date before i let him on the account to bot his questing service
  3. he just had a dispute with aqua for the same exact thing botting quests on a fresh account.
  4. So i can just offer services get accounts banned after taking there bank and your not jagex so you cant determine if it was me ?
  5. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/144999-need-f2p-questing/ http://prntscr.com/kcf4au http://prntscr.com/kcf0rr http://prntscr.com/kcf1ld http://prntscr.com/kcf2eq http://prntscr.com/kcf2ig http://prntscr.com/kcf2nu http://prntscr.com/kcf2tf http://prntscr.com/kcffbr i bought the quests from tranquilo for 5m. The account was freshly made that day (last night) with a fresh 30 day membership. i hand ran tutorial island and killed chaos druids until i had a looting bag ending up with my only stats being 17 mage. Then he began his "service" doing the quests. He said he finished last night as i was asleep. i woke up to try to log in this morning and the account is banned for botting. 30 days of membership and 14m bank gone. (14m includes the 5m i paid him.)
  6. Need these quests completed: Demon Slayer Dorics quest Ernest the chicken Goblin diplomacy Imp catcher Misthalin mystery Pirates treasure Prince Ali rescue Romeo and Juliet Rune mysteries Sheep shearer Shield of arrav Corsair curse The knights sword Witches potion I need these quests done without gaining any combat stats besides magic xp. List quotes thanks.
  7. Yea the auto repair struts is just broken so if you don't have a hammer the script won't work properly needs to be fixed in this regard
  8. I think scripts broken have to wait for OP to fix all the problems
  9. script works until the struts need fixed then will just stand afk a few tiles from bank.
  10. looking to get quotes for desert treasure all pre requisites are finished just need the single quest done. give quotes thanks. 16 prayer.
  11. want to buy 49-53 thieving no botting. have quest "the feud" completed. List quotes thanks
  12. Everytime i start this script the whole client is freezing (my mistake it's the client update day not the script)
  13. You have to have 30 mining to enter the motherload mine,
  14. Got someone thanks close thread
  15. want to buy 19-50 agility. no bots need quotes thanks.
  16. no big deal i just went ahead and bought it haha
  17. hm im not seeing the trial script pop up
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