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Everything posted by camley123

  1. So 50 Strength, attack, defence, woodcutting, firemaking, fishing, cooking, crafting, mining, smithing, and magic?
  2. camley123

    Fresh Accounts

    I can do this pm me
  3. @Donami botting 6 hours in a day is alot
  4. Thanks @nezbomb before having any info I started last night started by getting 50 prayer and got 36 crafting 31 woodcutting and killed monks until 30 def 30 rng. Also did 5-6 quests
  5. hes been doing those for along time lol
  6. Thanks for the answer! also need best training methods for the def/rng/mage for this type of account if anyone knows
  7. Need help knowing Stats,quests, and leveling methods on a zulrah account to run fruity's script on. any info helps thanks! Will be using all info to make a guide, so need to know all skill requirements as well!
  8. ill buy 20$ worth ur discord isnt working
  9. for 16m i can create the account and it will have 30 days of membership.
  10. fruity's scripts are god tier lol
  11. camley123

    Fruity NMZ

    ive been doing 1-3 dreams a day each dream lasting about 2-3 hours and am still going strong with prayer potions.
  12. camley123

    Fruity NMZ

    You can get prrma banned without being banned previously if your account is newer or doesn't have QP
  13. Yes extra 2.5 m per peice of graceful
  14. 600m + 2.5m per graceful piece eta~8-9 weeks
  15. camley123

    Fruity NMZ

    update went through someone let me know if everythings working
  16. I've still not been refunded or even message.
  17. so i will be receiving 24m whenever he pays.
  18. Need these quests completed: black knights fortress Dorics quest Ernest the chicken Goblin diplomacy Imp catcher Misthalin mystery Pirates treasure Prince Ali rescue Romeo and Juliet Rune mysteries Sheep shearer Shield of arrav Corsair curse The knights sword Witches potion I need these quests done without gaining any combat stats besides magic xp. List quotes thanks.
  19. Need these quests completed: black knights fortress Dorics quest Ernest the chicken Goblin diplomacy Imp catcher Misthalin mystery Pirates treasure Prince Ali rescue Romeo and Juliet Rune mysteries Sheep shearer Shield of arrav Corsair curse The knights sword Witches potion I need these quests done without gaining any combat stats besides magic xp. List quotes thanks.
  20. Also what about my brand new 30 day membership he lost me?
  21. Does he own the script "stealth quester" and if he does can we have maldesto check the logs to see if he used it for this service?
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