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Everything posted by OSClownz

  1. Trying to use this, it worked fine for netting shrimp and baiting sardine and herrings. I moved to barb village and am putting "Lure" as the action, and it's like it's not recoqnizing it so it's just standing here. Am I entering the wrong action?? I've tried "Lure Rod", "Lure Rod Fishing Spot", "Lure", etc; none of it triggers it to fish trout and salmon like it should. Like I said prior to moving to "lure" it was working fine and banking.
  2. OSClownz

    Fruity NMZ

    Hey man, recently I used your 24hr trial and loved it. It's been a little bit but I finally got around to purchasing the script, much love. I feel this will come in handy....just hope for NO BANS!!!! Thankssss MANNNNN!!!
  3. I liked the thread. P.S: Also just bought the script, tyvm man. This will be useful starting up new accounts and shit.
  4. Here's the screenshots from my trial run.
  5. Still waiting to hear back from you, but I'd love to give a whirl at the experiments pro script trial. I asked back on the 23rd of April when I first registered, although I didn't download the actual jar file for the bot or anything. Today was the first time I came back on, and I saw you said you gave me a trial but I didn't see it today when I opened the client. I did try out my first script ever today on OSBot and I actually love it, the NMZ script by @Fruity. I also provided 2 different screenshots of progress during my checkout of the script on his thread, which if you entitle me the trial I'd do the same for you. ;) Thanks in advanced, hope to hear from you....soon.
  6. w/o bgloves, if you have literally everything else; you could get about 20-30M 07' maybe...;)
  7. I'd like to try the experiments pro trial if possible. I asked back when I first registered on April 23rd, and you said you gave a 24hr trial, but I never logged back in to check about it until today. I did manage to get a trial for a NMZ script too and used it today, it's completely flawless, still an experiments script would be nice for any lower levels I want to level up to get ready for NMZ, as of now I'm leaning towards buying NMZ's script in a few days (for now I'm enjoying the trial). P.S: NMZ Script is first script I've ever used on OSBot; and I haven't botted since around 2013 after losing 2 really good accounts.
  8. OSClownz

    Fruity NMZ

    Running trial still so far after talking to him and discovering you have to have PRAYER POTIONS(4) and not (3). It seems to be flawless. I'll add another screeny in a bit. Edit: Here's the other screeny.
  9. OSClownz

    Fruity NMZ

    I got the script all set-up and am using it now. I tried starting it outside of the dream with inventory ready to roll, it went to bank, and banked everything but overloads and logged out. Tried re-doing, just logged straight out. I started the preset dream myself, and now it seems to be rolling. So far so good. It's sipping prayer pots, and praying protect melle and ultimate strength like I set it to. I also like how it drops the empty vials. Also just sipped on the overload like I set it to. So it seems the script is working great, now my question is how will it go with banking at the end of this dream when I'm out of supplies if it had problems on startup if not already in the dream ready to roll with inventory set-up. I currently have it set-up to where it should re-enter the pre-set dream again at end of gaining max points possible with inventory, I don't think it'll go through with that on it's own since it didn't in the start, will it? Please help, lol.
  10. Hey, you said you was going to give a 24hr trial of your experiments pro script. I haven't been on the site, and just downloaded the jar file just today. I don't have any scripts at all currently, should the 24 hour trial be there or did it go away after you gave it to me on the 23rd of April after 24hrs? I figured it'd go away after 24hr use of the script (the whole trial), but maybe I'm wrong. Either way; check your thread or PM me, I tried PMing you but it said I can't...

  11. Thanks for the tips. This is actually my first time logging back on to the site. I downloaded the jar file for the bot as well just today. I just got this quote too, I don't see a trial or any scripts that I can run currently with my account. I never used a trial for this script and like I've said before, I'm highly paranoid about botting in general after losing accounts, but honestly; don't have the time to sit and train legitimately for hours on end to work towards maxing. I'd still love to try out this script, and I'd love to get my hands on a trial for an NMZ script which I've asked for already, but awaiting a response. Is there a way you could try to activate that 24 hour trial now for me please? I literally didn't get to try it since you responded that you gave me a trial back in April. Thanks in advanced, and I hope to hear from you soon, if there's anything I need to do to sort out the trial to appear, please let me know. As well; is the trial already supposed to be there since I didn't use the 24hr trial you said you gave me before, or did it go away after 24hrs of you giving it to me? I figured it would still be there til I use it for the 24 hour use trial you give, but maybe I'm wrong.
  12. OSClownz

    Fruity NMZ

    Do you allow trials of the script to be used before someone decides to purchase it? I saw someone ask for a trial and you replied "added" as seen above. I'm interested in the script myself, but I haven't botted in a very long time because I've lost accounts doing it and felt as if everytime I bot I get caught....I would like to try the script out though and see how it goes if possible....so, idk how it works or if you allow it, but if so, may I try a trial of this please?
  13. I bet there's a real high ban rate on botting at experiments.... I'd love to try this out and all, but I haven't botted in quite awhile because I've lost 2 accounts because of botting. I don't want to lose anymore, and as far as I knew last - botting has extremely high ban rates anymore and usually botters are always caught now...
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