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Everything posted by SoMuchDank

  1. Just to confirm - the email that popped up when I attempted to recover was NOT the email I typed in. Again, I typed in the email he had me change the account to and it redirected to that. I did not type in ANY hotmail address.
  2. So how long are we going to wait on him to "confirm" this? It is clear that I did nothing wrong here and it is all an act of ignorance and I would like to do some other trading...
  3. Not yet, I traveled across the country today. I will be doing it within the hour hopefully. I'll keep you posted.Edit: I since have and sent an email to the email which he owns on the account. He could have done this himself. I posted proof but for some reason it was deleted by a moderator.
  4. Let's also not that the user is from ***** while I am from the US. Odds are it didn't cross his mind to use a VPN which would show an IP in the US followed by an IP in **** on the same day...which could result in a lock on the account. Like I said I'll try to help but I'm not taking responsibility for the account being locked (not recovered by the way, idiot) on his own stupidity.
  5. Sorry, just annoyed he's throwing all these wild accusations and threatening with my name and university over something I didn't even do lol. I'll see what I can do when I have access to a computer, I just got off a plane.
  6. I guess. I shouldn't have to do anything for this dumbass that is having a nerd rage and throwing wild accusations and insults at me. But I'll do my best to help this inbred idiot.
  7. Also, can I request better proof that it is the account I sold causing that error message? It's pretty inconclusive evidence...especially since like I said I haven't touched anything to do with the account. Thanks.
  8. I don't know what the message is but I did not recover the account. I have not touched anything to do with runescape or the account since I handed it over to you. I'm willing to do whatever I can do to help you obtain the account...this was not me that caused this. I don't need to scam anyone especially over 30$ lmao. Again, I don't know what this is about but I can try to help.
  9. I've had multiple 2 days on accounts, so I think that is likely if it is expired.
  10. Got it, one second. Edit: Should be good now, hopefully. Thanks @@Decode
  11. LOOKING TO GET RID OF THIS QUICKLY 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) Tons of other random shit amounting over 5m easy. 4. Pictures of the quests completed ALL FREE QUESTS COMPLETED. RECIPE FOR DISASTER COMPLETED UP TO BOSS FIGHT. (Dragon Gloves) 168 QP 5. The price you will be starting bids at 25m OBO 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 100m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting RSGP (Maybe paypal if trusted enough) 8. Your trading conditions We will use a middleman. 9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am the OO and I do have the original email, which the account is still registered to. Current Bid: 35m
  12. It's all good my man no feelings just want multiple pc's haha.
  13. A short ban earlier in the year and a mute years ago.
  14. All free quests done. 168 qp. Account has torso, dragon defender, whip, fury, cannon, bgloves, and a bunch of other random shit. Don't really have to factor it into pc but its there lol.
  15. I have 15m for you 1$ per. PM me bud
  16. Not gonna use skype I just built a new PC cba to download at 3 am lol. Is the unranked legit or botted? and how much would you want for it? Also show me what you got in terms of champs on the s1. Can post or pm.
  17. I don't care what's on it or how it got there. Just need one with level 30 and in NA. Looking to spend 50-75m 07. Post what you have.
  18. Trying to sell all of it at once, sorry /:
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