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Everything posted by SoMuchDank

  1. Edit: I actually am selling 75m. Selling for 1.2 per. Paypal and trusted only. Post.
  2. 0% if you check woodcutting xp rates. I lol'd.
  3. 50m refunded. Please remove his TWC I believe it was an honest mistake on his part.
  4. I told him I would accept the gold refund when I'm home and to post it here.
  5. As I said I am at work. I told him I was making a dispute for my safety and he said "sure go right ahead". I have proof of that in a screenshot as well. He did not offer me a refund until after I posted this. I will take the refund when I'm home. Funny how I am labeled an "asshole" because he doesn't have control over his own bank account lol
  6. Sold the user 50m for 60$ last week on June 21. Today received notification of a chargeback through paypal by him. Proof of skype and purchase: EVIDENCE HIDDEN Please help get this sorted. I have work all day and really can't deal with this lol. Thank you.
  7. Stop posting about how Khal has a script on this guy's post. He's allowed to make a script regardless. Good release man, hopefully you can follow up and make it better
  8. You sir, are an idiot. *Says not shit, requests service for it*
  9. Sold to Saint Gnome, thanks a lot! Request close.
  10. Selling 50m, verified paypal only. 1.25$ ea or 1.20$ if you want it all. Looking to get rid of it quick
  11. If I am able to change the email to my own, I will buy. Will you take 28m? Only reason is because i'm a jungle main so will have to put in some work on some champs ;)
  12. If it's real, you'll have an amazing experience; it will change your life.
  13. I can do $1.25 per mil cause such a small amount if you need this still. Done business with you before
  14. I had this problem for a long time, and this is what EVERYONE that lifts struggles with so don't think you're alone. The chest is really hard to build but once it starts building it builds very well. What I suggest is that you focus on high weight, low reps. This is gonna help you build mass in that area. Start your workout with incline bench/dumbell bench to get the most pump for your upper chest, which will give you the look of a big chest even if you lack in the middle/bottom. Flies and cable flies will be great for your inner chest. I can give you a sample chest workout for building if you want, just a quicky
  15. Yeah don't blame you man. I will eventually hopefully lol. Thanks again & gl finding a buyer
  16. Eh, around 30-40m is probably highest I would go. GP amounts that is.
  17. Ah, can't pay that much especially since i'll have to pay the transfer fee. Thanks anyways though, goodluck!
  18. Nice thread. As a lifter/body builder myself, I suggest looking into "GAT" products. Some of which are illegal in professional sports due to their "awesomeness". I take JetMass (GAT's Creatine) as well as Nitraflex (GAT's preworkout). Always good to stick with the Whey as well. I also suggest supplementing with creatine immediately after your workout - it will help you tremendously with recovery. REMEMBER - there will almost ALWAYS be someone bigger than you in the gym. Don't let this discourage you. Gene's do play a large role in lifting and gaining size. However, with the right work ethic you can someday be the person that is bigger than the others in the gym. Don't get discouraged, and don't give up. Awesome thread man. Glad to see someone else here getting them gainz. EDIT: If thats you in your pic - impressive traps bro. (Assuming you aren't on the juice which makes everyone get retarded size in the traps)
  19. Around what are you looking for? I'm interested if its a decent price, i'd have to pay the transfer fee to NA however so I can't overpay.
  20. Still looking for a decent account I was looking into Muffin's account before he was banned, so i'm still looking for an account as of now. Please post if you have one to offer
  21. Yeah like I said homie, I'll let you know if I don't get a worse account for cheaper.
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