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  1. It's more of a joke to laugh at, its funny imo Thanks Seks!
  2. The IP is my iphones internet from AT&t Ok thanks Divinity. Weird..
  3. Hello, any admin/mod able to help me out? my skype is williamluttrell I'm having issues logging into the forum through my normal internet , using firefox it didn't work and then for internet explorer it didn't work either. I'm not banned or anything so I don't know what it is. I'll go play with some settings and see but I can't see what the problem is. I'm on a proxy at the moment, thats the only way I could get on. It just says error You are not allowed to visit this community. #2000 I click login and just loops me back out I cant even log in. Regards, W8
  4. So I've been trying to figure out, you know jagex changes up stuff very often on oldschool. Is it possible to go to ape atoll after completeing Monkey Madness, without getting the defense expereince from daero? Or I HAVE to talk to him and get the defense exp? So just never to return to ape atoll @ 1 def pure? If thats the case, what is other chinning locations in runescape? Ive looked it up theres been few places, that look good atleast. THanks, Regards
  5. hahah why, is it just terrible or what? I got a guy to make it for like 200k gp lawlz & thanks guys for the tips I'll be sure not to bot till it all cools down, and I may use another bot starting with r and i in the middle, and a d in the end.
  6. The name is very very familiar, My memory is a little hazy from all this stress and no sleep. But I'm sure I would if we chatted more, skyped or what not. described something to me. (no homo this is like describing a girl boy relationship lol finding my long lost ex from 4th grade) jk But so botting , I just shouldn't do it on any of my accounts? Especially my main accounts? 99's and shit?t THanks for the tips
  7. Hey osbot community, I'm back! Not sure if anyone would've remembered me I was very active last year and this beginning of this year . I showed developers that spot down below the digsite where you can auto on the skeletons 24/7 , you need a rope and b2p tabs that was it. anywayyy Just checking in if I should get back into the botting community, as a couple old clan friends said botting at the moment is extremely dangerous. way worse than in january/february. I just got out of Basic Combat Training with the US Army. Now doing AIT for a couple months. So training is somewhat hard to get in, as were always very very busy. (They like to get there $$ worth out of us) hah. anyway So is botting still safe/bannable as it was a couple months ago? or is the detection system too good? I'm buying VIP back again btw. wonder if my old scripts I purchased are still on the client Thanks guys!
  8. my computer with 8gb of ram quad core cpu will be outdated tremendously.
  9. Guess final words is. not this weekend.
  10. User not found. Goodfight lolololol
  11. Sundays a sunday, no matter what you're doing, it's still a day of the week like every other and It's not really working if you like what you do, and these osbot developers love what they do. (so far as what it seems heheh :P jk I know they do )
  12. Whaaat... You said it'd be out this weekend? And its sunday? Any more news please post? C'mon you can't tease us with that fine ass and tits right in our face and not let us play with it
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