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Everything posted by goonrunner

  1. Welcome Homie enjoy your grindddddsss
  2. id say about 6-8m, with bond price though would be a bit more, but bonds prices atm seem to be fluctuating hectic.
  3. PM me if you need someone to do account 2 can do multiple all hand done
  4. i sell starter obby maulers for 11m which is 1/60/1 + 40 range, others i have no idea about.
  6. I can premake lots of hand-done tutorial island accounts if anyone is in need, give me a PM
  7. goonrunner

    LF skiller

    LF 99 FM account level 1 everything else MUST BE A LEVEL 3 COMBAT ACCOUNT WITH NO COMBAT STATS (also looking at other lvl 3 skillers) PM ME what you got.
  8. I can do this, PM me if needed.
  9. put it this way, ive spent 30m+ on bonds that have been banned within 3 days of starting the grinds, at sand crabs no matter where, you're best off doing the early grind legit then the late grind botted if you want to, my current main has fletch/cook/herb/prayer/smithing all botted to 99. other stats are 70+
  10. that is true, i completely forgot about that - fyi - my debt was owed to an australian company (I am australian)
  11. best thing you can do from my experience, instead of having debt collectors etc giving you calls every 10 minutes non stop every day or letters in the mail, you're better off working out a payment plan, i had a debt of $303.20 and they were willing to let me pay it off in monthly increments of about $27
  12. LF a full graceful service, 10 agility atm, freshly made HCIM, got a few quests/stats done, still 10hp. lots of cakes in bank looking for prices, only full graceful, IDM the level it gets to, but i will pay more if it ends up being really bad rng (60+ agi from full grace) ONLY HAND DONE PLEASE NO BOTS - I DO NOT WANT TO BE BANNED
  13. got my one at 58 on pure, my main got it at 66 dat rng
  14. yeah ahah, i think its a perm ban, it says bot busting MAJOR and its perm banned, but i might try the good ol quashing ?
  15. silly me, left my bot on overnight accidently when i went out, RIP 90+ cb stats still made made profits off this bot though so not complaining, was a completely botted account anyway with previous bans ?
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