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Everything posted by lovemesmexy

  1. If your range is decent kill some lizard shamans! Maybe you will get a dragon warhammer haha 82 mill
  2. Do barrows! At least its fun!
  3. Like what everyone said, you always have a risk of someone recovering so just buy from a trusted person and you're good
  4. Close to 200k per hour with varrock tabs
  5. get a quest cape with 10 hp! If thats possible haha
  6. How much would an account with 48 slayer cost?
  7. Yea I would change your IP as fast as you can! Hope that helps!
  8. Hahaha its a hate crime, just tell them you live in America
  9. Good post! It helps being able to use all these different methods and implement them into my botting rotations
  10. Thank you for posting this! I was interested in the exact same thing!
  11. Thank you guys for all the love!
  12. Extreme tabs is pretty amazing and the ban rate is really low because nobody is there to report you!
  13. Thank you that gives me a lot more confidence! Ill post an update on here when I get that fire cape!!
  14. If you die in the mini game do you lose your stuff?
  15. lovemesmexy


    Hey guys I was wondering how hard it is to get a firecape based on my stats. I have 71 Defence, 70 range, 60 prayer, and 75 hitpoints! Also, I have never attempted JAD before!
  16. Nice, if you beat it let me know because I wanna start killing it for sure
  17. Thank you! I was looking for a f2p one
  18. Hahaha thats very true, whats a good script that can do that?
  19. Oh yea that slayer is kinda high, may need to buy a slayer account for it hahah
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