Added Monk support.
Added Pure Mode which switches between Att and Str only.
Added Switch every X level so you can customize the switches on the acc.
Added NPC2 and NPC3 support.
Added it to loot bones when bury bones check box enabled.
Added it to go to bank if inv full and you are NOT using food mode. So script will kill, loot and bank.
Added three different combat profiles.
1) Prioritize loot (Tick the checkbox to prioritze loot)
2) Wait for your NPC loot to spawn(Enabled by having items typed out in loot box)
3) Kill NPC's as fast as possible, do not wait for loot(Enabled with having loot box empty)
Improved looting mechanism.
Fixed some bugs found by Beta tester.
Added if started in a NPC location, it will set that location as default instead of choosing one(Prevents long unnecessary traverses).
Some other small patches as well.
Still need more suggestions from others and more NPC's to add.