@Disboyer If using prayer pots, you won't be using food so it will work identical to that except with prayer pots.
When out of prayer pots Bank,
type number to drink prayer pot below, etc.
sound good?
Some big updates coming in next version.
Will include prayer potion support, protect prayers, cannon refill and cannon repair. I'll also be adding the option to custom type In the amount of hp to pull guthans out on.
When two banks are equidistant, it will randomly choose one to randomize patterns. If you want, I can make it solely use one but I thought it would add more randomization to the script and not hurt the xp/hour ?
Hey man. It already supports grabbing Brass key if not in inventory https://i.imgur.com
Also, when finding a bank, it calculates the closest distance to your player through some complex formulas. The varrock bank is closer(Thus faster) than the GE bank depending on your current location.