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Everything posted by Juggles

  1. Gold price and Bond price are inversely related. Simple as that
  2. Should add a loot box for people to be able to loot more items. Also bone burying option maybe
  3. I can give you a 24 hour trial on the full version to let you try it out. I'll do it tomorrow when I'm home
  4. Ah I believe it banked because your inventory was full. This was on the free version right? I don't believe there is looting enabled on the lite version. I'll have to double check when I am home
  5. It should bank when out of food
  6. The free version only supports you starting at the monster location, typing the name of the monster in and eating food. It is supposed to be a very lite version. That is why most of the features are disabled
  7. How has the bot been running for everyone?
  8. Detecting sound, animation, color, etc has no impact on ban rate. You will still be clicking the same way
  9. Hey I fixed this with 1.01 I had to do some deep digging to find the issue but it should work good now
  10. Thank you for your report! I will look into both issues after class. So it seems the banking bug is due to the speed slider. Seems strange but I will get back to you and let you know
  11. Hey can you send me a screenshot of your settings? Do you have a pickaxe equipped? it was working fine the last time I ran it but I'll test it again today
  12. Made some big updates to looting and improved the overall logic: Items to loot: You must type the name exactly how it appears in Runescape. Follow this pattern and ignore if it goes to a new line or splits the words up. DO NOT START ON A NEW LINE AND USE A COMMA. Ex) Fire rune, Water rune, Law rune, Earth helm, Noob platebody, Loot items that name contains: This will loot items that contain the word you input. For example, if you put "rune" it will loot any item with the word "rune" in it. This is case sensitive so it will loot items such as Fire rune or Water rune but will ignore Rune platebody. Now if you want to loot Rune platebody or other Rune armor, you would type "Rune" here.
  13. @osrsnumber01Are you typing in the items correctly in the box? It must appear like this: Fire rune, Nature rune, Law rune Do not worry about if it goes to the next line or breaks the word up in the middle. I just tested the looting feature typing in items like that and it was looting perfectly fine
  14. Are you typing it how it appears in game?
  15. How long did you bot for? did you use breaks?
  16. Thank you for your report. WHich tab are you making? Have you tried other tabs and non of them work for you?
  17. How is everyone liking the script so far? havent heard much feedback
  18. Do you have the key needed for black demons? also for spiritual creatures if the script didn't path to them, how were you able to test the gwd items?
  19. No sorry these items are required. I wouldn't recommend using this on an iron man unless you have a lot of the required items
  20. So basically it clicks a monster and then will continue to click it until it dies?
  21. WEll guess it doesn't work there then. It supports most shops as its AIO
  22. Well you have it in the logger to display if the Boolean is true or false rather than actually performing the action.
  23. So you're looting bones but don't want to bury them?
  24. No I don't recommmend using it in wild
  25. The bank Next to Arceuus tab place
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