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Everything posted by Tehgousch

  1. Looking to buy a zulrah account from scratch, I will supply account and u get avas regicide and 75 range/mage I will pay afterwards. You can bot or whatever but payment will be 1 week after account is done (cooldown) offer me in price (you supply bond/items needed)
  2. Tehgousch Tutorial account shop Prices 10+ accounts 120k ea (minimum 10) 15+ accounts 110k ea 20+ accounts 100k ea 50+ accounts 90k ea All accounts here should have about 100 days cooldown Newer accounts minimum 20 around 1 week Cooldown 20+ 70k ea 50+ 65k ea Payment osgp or paypal (only paypal if less then 3usd) Also doing hand made tutorial accounts for 500k ea --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ToS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * I am not responsible for whatever lock/bans that happens to the accounts 3h after payment, it is your responsibility to check thorugh the accounts after purchase. * If any of the accounts are banned upon reciving, you can choose from either a new account or refund for banned accounts * I'm not responsible for you trading the wrong person or imposter, always confirm on pm or chatbox to be sure * Accounts are created on a proxy and cannot be recovered ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact me: Skype: Im.Fishy discord: Tehgousch#6424
  3. i should get sponsored by some review website where they give me money to test stuff and get scammed, im getting pretty good at it
  4. np, was just reading about it on reddit
  5. not high enough, but wanted to play with some silver friends nothing new my friend
  6. just wanted to share some bad experience with this "company" who sells lol smurfs. started 12th of februari when i purchased the account from them, about 2 days later the account got banned, (surprise surprise) Luckely they stated everywhere that they had lifetime warrenty on their accounts, "well daam im luccky I started to try to message them but noone was answering their livechat, I sent a mail and waited 4 days, no response, tried their livechat every day for 2 weeks, nothing no1 there. sent about a dozin more mails with no respones then yesterday it happend, some1 answered on their livechat, told me to give them the ordernr and as soon as i did. left livechat, tried reconnecting for about an hour and noone answered. Tried again today and they told me, either u get this account worth 20 usd less because we are out of stock or u get nothing? asked if they could just wait a week or so til they get another in stock and their answer was more or less, fuck you we dont deal with people like you. I accept this since i got nothing else to do? either this or nothing? good service. So my conclusion, 5/7 would waste another 30 usd on them enjoy my rant guys
  7. I can get it (Swede) never used it, hm converted in USD are u taking
  8. Honestly just wrote what I know, what stats are u looking for ? As far as I know optimal stats are 1 att 99 att 43 ishockey range 43 mage 1-13 prayer
  9. shouldnt obby maulers be like 43 range and mage? will be hard a.f /impossible to get firecape on that
  10. Quick dispute, Bought servicer from @TuttiFrutti (payment after so no payment was done) about 36h after service started account got banned stats when banned (was 95 fishing) 71 str 70 agility He offered me 1-99 fishing on a new account for compensation (still not nearly as much as it would cost for me to rebuild the account) I accepted but he denied after he got twc because "I told someone about it" What i deem a fair refund is either money for 1-95 fishing at 16 gp / exp (150m) and supplies for crafting 13m supplies for herb 15m construction 5m and about 2m to cover rest of stats this is more then fair considering i dumbed about 100m on stats (not counting fishing) + time for him to get me banned some screenshots
  11. I did not know about the ban since I didn't access the account during the service since I gave morova a link to change password I got the account back by recovering it and when I recovered it it wasn't banned? Apparently account can get banned by an IP thing? Still unsure about what tutti ment
  12. Just adding in, I did not know about the ban since during that time fucker (sorry about language) morova was doing service.
  13. 4gp/gp Contactable whenever I'm logged in, will be using osbuddy so u can get proof of levels Can be TeamViewed and check the screen at any time
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