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  1. You're so stupid. Eg. An account with 60 att 99 Str 99 range is worth less than paying someone to get those stats on your account
  2. Yeah but buying an account with 55 slayer isn't 40m+ the service is more because it's your original account
  3. 50m still winning via kimbo, feel free to pm me if you have any questions
  4. Nice one haha good luck for smashing your target next year
  5. scotte93


    ive got a zerker for sale if thats good enough? pm me if interested
  6. scotte93


    welcome mate, im not arround much atm but will look forward to seeing you around
  7. Hey Guys, As the title Reads im selling my old Zerker The reason why As you can see from the login page, I just don't get time to play it anymore due to real life commitments, I last logged in 44 days ago, and before that was probably another 2-3 months. I'm going to be accepting RSGP which I will then sell on - I will also accept PayPal if I deem you highly trusted I will start the bidding at 50m Auto win is 300m I am willing to go first If you're trusted however may request a Middleman if I don't deem you trusted enough, I would never expect you to go first If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask I am the only owner of this account and can provide all the details needed Account Stats: Login Screen: Quests: Items: Account status:
  8. I got this but I don't know if its a bit much for what youre looking for?
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