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Everything posted by fishnugget

  1. To be honest: I tried this script for a few times and I have never experienced it working properly. My character is now regearing for 30-40 minutes long, because I stopped the script after that. It did nothing else btw. This is disgusting, where are the flawless scripts from back in the days?? Every single time I'm considering to bot for a while: I just straight up quit an hour after. This due to 0 progression, bye bye for another year.
  2. fishnugget

    Delete pls

    I bid 20m, you go first or MM also, I want some details like: the country it is created in, date of creation and all the previous passwords.
  3. Oke, hold on I see that he got a 2 day ban I will just bid 60m sorry man
  4. yo u still have an 60/60/60? ill give u 5m for it if it has no email verification
  5. I mean: do you know the exact date acc is created? the previous passwords and which country it is made in? that is very useful.
  6. Yeah bois Searching for a decent account without an E-Mail verification (must). Will be paying good! Rules: *You go first or we will search for a Middle Man together. *Post a thread on directory: Accounts -> Price check with the link of the stats, bans, quest points and untradeables and link it here on this thread and I will take a look :).
  7. Also it stucks alot... after a kill when tps to clanwars it says: switching gear (while he is already switched) and than it just stands and stands Might be because I am wearing a ring of suffering (it hovers mouse over it after the tp but does not click on it).
  8. if u have no e-mail set I can offer you 80m.
  9. I'll give you 10m for it IF it is not registered to any e-mail.
  10. Hey, e-mail registred? if so 40m (and very hard to sell) without: 50m
  11. Also it stucks alot... after a kill when tps to clanwars it says: switching gear (while he is already switched) and than it just stands and stands
  12. What happens when u get the pet? will it bank it? Would be a waste if u get the pet and than it suddenly dies And oh yeah, is the vengeance supported? I do not see any veng uses :3
  13. if email is verified, 40m. (unless u can provide the verified email details) unverified email: 50m but if u wait a bit patiently people might offer up to 60m.
  14. 7-9M. I can get 4 of those accounts in one day while waching netflix xD (and no not by using osbot)
  15. 50-60m not more, nice for an starter account doe ^^
  16. depends if email is verified doe, not much people risk to buy and especially not with mills with a verified mail.
  17. 60m. feedback no feed back, mm and its 60m worth.
  18. yes defence is totally quested, there are only 2 quests left that give 4k xp together, I have an gap of 7k xp so you wont reach lvl 46 when you finish b gloves.
  19. thanks for your reply bro, really appreciate it :D!
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