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  1. Hello 29mil, little bit under 1 day for completion, erkistar123#5468
  2. I will experiment with implementing conditional sleeps into the script and paint then and im using states since i plan on adding different types of antiban later on since when i decompiled some local scripts i found they all used switch so i guess it's more efficient? walking Anyways thanks alot for the feedback -erki
  3. Anyways, made a quick alching script, just putting here if anyone has any comments on how to make it more efficient/smaller and tips on something to improve in coding if there is. @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { switch (state) { case INIT: if (getMagic().canCast(Spells.NormalSpells.HIGH_LEVEL_ALCHEMY )); state = State.ALCH; break; case ALCH: if (inventory.contains("Maple longbow (u)")); state = State.ALCH2; case ALCH2: getMagic().castSpell(Spells.NormalSpells.HIGH_LEVEL_ALCHEMY); sleep(random(350, 455)); state = State.ALCH3; break; case ALCH3: if (getMagic().isSpellSelected()) { getInventory().interactWithNameThatContains("Cast", "Maple longbow"); sleep(random(1250, 1700)); state = State.ALCH; } break; } return random(200, 300); }
  4. Hello, anyone can help me with the following problem: i use the method castspell high alchemy right, but how do i make it use it on an itemstack? is there a method for it, or i have to make it move the mouse to it? how's it done? or .interact somehow? EDIT: figured it out with inventory. interact.
  5. Indeed that's what im doing now, it was the most helpful piece of advice Just wondering why is there a break: command after defining the cases?
  6. You are not far from what i meant, i should clarify that, what i would like to know is how to read the documentation so i can proceed from there on my own.
  7. Hey, i decided to start making a autoalcher script with complex antiban to appear as human as possible even if it has a little less xp/hr, most important is so it doesn't get banned right?. Right now i would like to know how to use the api, like how do i read the documentation and for example how can i make a script that does the following for now. No Gui no paint Location g.e only uses maple longbow u step 1. scan wich alch u want to use depending on ur magic lvl if less than 55 but more than 20 then use low alch, if 55+ high alch Step 2. Scan inventory for maple longbow (u) and nature logs, if one of them or both are missing, scan bank for them and place in inventory, maple longbows as noted, if both are missing from bank, exit script step 2.5 note down amount of maple longs and natures step 3. drag noted maple longs under the high alch spell spot in inventory, make sure that nature runes arent in that spot, if they are move them away step 4. alch and repeat step 5. after the amount of alches have been performed as noted down, check inventory again to make sure there are no runes nor maple longs left, if there is note down again and repeat step 2.5 and step 5, exit script. It is a summary of the main functions i want it to have not really indepth or else it would be 2pages long. Anyways i would like to create this simple(not for me) script , but i have no idea even where to start writing, i have some java knowledge, methods conditionals and such, but no idea really what to do is there like a place where u can learn bot scripting? -peace and love
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