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Everything posted by sonda

  1. What are you rates, when are you available
  2. Ban rates pretty low on this one? Or the same as anything else?
  3. I just need a small amount please.
  4. While this topic is being discussed, and as Jagex also adds , implementing a time frame also. Like 100 posts or 90 days. (Or 6 months/a year)
  5. I’ve got one 65 mining. 37 magic for teleport.
  6. Having an issue finding your discord. Mine is brianhatley#3796
  7. I am looking to spend around 30-40$ usd. I am interested to know what I could possibly afford. Open to all suggestions and offers. Appreciate it in advance.
  8. I’ve updates this script just for the fun of it. When I get home I will post an updated .jar if anybody is interested.
  9. The bone burying works. And that part looks okay. If inventory contains bones, bury them , else blah blah. edit. My mistake. The other “if” else if, if. Part. the bones just aren’t rs2objects they are ground items. Also consider &&getMap.canReach so you aren’t spamming bones that are on the other side of the fence.
  10. I think your looking for groundItems as opposed to Rs2Objects. It’s been a while since I’ve messed with scripting but that doesn’t look right to me.
  11. roughly how much are we looking at usd? its about 2mil xp.
  12. Wondering what it would cost, preferably $USD through paypal. Looking for something like 60 attack 80 strength 1 defence ( with potentially some range ). Not sure how the price is calculated ( $/xp? ) but that may influence the levels id like to get. It would be a new account. i honestly dont mind if its hand done, or botted as long as it isnt banned or have any marks against it. Id buy an account if it were a cheaper route, but doesnt seem to be that way. let me know. i am in no real rush.
  13. i tried to decompile it, but i either did it horribly wrong. or something isn't right. lol Can you just place a comma in the script? or do you need to place an or. if (chatbox.isVisible()) { List<String> messages = chatbox.getMessages(Chatbox.MessageType.GAME); for (String message : messages) { if (message.contains("You do not have enough" , "There is no ammo in your quiver")) { stop(); } } } if (chatbox.isVisible()) { List<String> messages = chatbox.getMessages(Chatbox.MessageType.GAME); for (String message : messages) { if (message.contains("You do not have enough")||(message.contains("There is no ammo in your quiver") ) { stop(); } } }
  14. Alright, took your suggestion. hopefully this works! http://www.mediafire.com/file/u6fo7a68owvevca/warriors.jar
  15. I realized i forgot to actually add the .jar so i went to add it, but it wont allow me to because of the limit, am i doing this wrong? dragging to jar to the "Drag files here"
  16. This is a script that just farms the Al-kharid Warriors , many like it this was just my take on it. This one has a few extra's that i liked when using it. Definitely not a perfect script, alot of redundancies in the code, just the way i wrote it im new to scripting, i made all the paint myself, ironically in Microsoft paint. Runs fairly well, i started this all as just a learning experience, practice project, but the more stuff i added the better it got. You can literally start this script right off tut island and it will run(attack warriors in combat) This is just for f2p, if you want any features added, or the script altered for your personal tastes i could do it for a small fee, as i was originally going to try and potentially sell the script. i just kind of lost interest in it. Food Selection: Npc Selection: Eat Selection: Loot Selection : World Hop: Door Opener: Random crap dropped: Paint: Screen shots:
  17. Reading he code i would gather you should be using (armorType +a1) etc. but idk it’s not the way I would do it.
  18. Are you trying to hardcode one specific armor type? You can skip all the GUI and selection stuff and replace armorType + blahblah with (“Mithril platelegs”) (same for the rest) maybe there’s an issue with the GUI or however it is determining which armor your using
  19. Now that i am home, this is the code i use NPC WARRIORS = (NPC) myPlayer().getInteracting(); gr.setColor(Color.GREEN); g.draw(WARRIORS.getModel().getArea(WARRIORS.getGridX(), WARRIORS.getGridY(), WARRIORS.getZ()));
  20. I would have posted the code but I’m at work and my boss was coming lol, something like g.draw(yournpc.getModel()(yournpc.getGridX(),yournpc.getGridY(),yournpc.getZ()) i know that’s not quite right , but I’m trying to portray my train of thought. That should outline the npc with whatever you set your color too.
  21. Alright, thank you. Btw , is this the proper method for handling something like this? First time running across an issue like this, could i use this going forward with other similar issues?
  22. No the widget clicking part is quick, its the clicking the ditch that takes a minute(gets to the ditch and waits), then a few seconds after crossing the ditch to resume walking (2-3 seconds here, not bad)
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