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Newbie (1/10)



  1. I'm just curious of what i can get for this account. Stats are pretty bad besides combat but then theres this that might throw alot of people off The mute doesn't mean anything. the appeal was accepted and i got muted out of context And the bank is pretty much empty, got hacked recently but email and password is changed and all that
  2. may i have a trial? thinking of buying this Edit: oops forgot to like D:
  3. Got banned on 10 accounts after about 20-30 mins of botting i think it was because the bots never moves the camera and always just rightclicks through everything, and i know nobody does that
  4. When he goes up to the altar he doesn't click it. not sure if i did something wrong or if it's the script Also the bot just keeps clicking minimap and then clicking the bank once again
  5. Seph

    Stealth Quester

    fk the trial. i'm buying this
  6. Seph


    liked, can i get trial pls
  7. .9Can i have a trial please? Liked it
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