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  1. Received a two day ban on my HCIM after using this script for about 3 days. Heavily quested (200+QP) botted while 'babysitting' playing my main. Botted for no longer than 4 hours a day with a minimum of one break in between. Be careful if using this script on your valued account
  2. xmikehaa

    Fruity NMZ

    Hi Fruity, First of all, i love the bot. and it works amazing. The only thing is, i dont get the setting right to let it use the special attack with the dagger. What am I doing wrong? thanks a lot in advance.
  3. xmikehaa

    Fruity NMZ

    I am having the same problem. The moment I press play it ends
  4. After such a long period you get that some sort of "I'm invincible and invisible" feeling. My plan always was to go manual after the first warning and I just wanted to see how long it would take them to catch me. 16 months+ that is, which is why I'm considering myself quite lucky
  5. So.. the inevitable happened today. Logged in and after doing a slayer task @ Sire I dc'd and when I tried to login I saw the Acc disabeled message. Over the course of 16+ months I've botted on this account and almost aquired 2k total on it. Wasn't botting everything, just the most tidious task that you have to endure as an Iron Man. Almost every script I've used the past 16 months are paid scripts, and today Czar's Agillity bot made me catch the hammer. Over the course of the weekend I've botted 8-12 hrs agillity with 2/2,5 hrs runtime with breaks larger than an hour everytime. LUCKILY it's a soft ban, in 48hrs I will be able to continue my Iron Man journey which now comes with free arthritis! FeelsGoodMan Remember kids: The banhammer will come for you, it can take weeks, months or in my case even longer than a year but eventually you'll get smashed on the head. *Delete OSbot.jar*
  6. Got banned today using this script. Haven't used any other scripts in over 2 months, all scripts before that were paid scripts. Botted +/- 8-12 hours over the course of the weekend. 2 / 2.5 hrs runetime with breaks over an hour in between. I must say I've been very lucky and am near 2.000 total on my Iron Man, almost every script I've been using is from Czar. His scripts are very good, and it took over a year for Jagex to finally catch me. GG =]
  7. Yep, gonna need 100% hosidius favor from Zeah.. you have that?
  8. Hi! Would you be able to add Hosidius cooking range? Insta buy if thats added =] no more burning sharks after 89 cooking
  9. Thanks Czar! Restoring faith! ^^
  10. It's been over a month since the Lunar flax spell came out.. The day it came out I asked for supported and you said it'll be integrated very soon. I'm quite the patient guy, but time is starting to add up Czar. I.e. after the construction update Chicking Wing's free flax bot broke down, after a post on the forums it was fixed the next day! (Ofcourse changing simple #id's is easier than implementing a new spell, but c'mon a month?)
  11. Hate to say it Czar, but currently the flax spinning spell ain't working. After it spinned all the flax in my inventory, it keeps spamming the spell in the spellbook instead of banking the bowstrings & grabbing new flax. Am i doing anything wrong?
  12. ETA Czar? have 40k flax waiting in the bank
  13. Will the new lunar spell to turn flax intro bow strings be supported in the near future? That's gonna safe lots and lots of hours
  14. Request Template: - Script name: AIO Crafting - trial length: 12hrs - Reason for trial: Testing purposes - Are you going to give feedback? Will do on script thread Thank you in advance
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