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About Lone

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  1. Taking offers but looking for .13/m
  2. Looking to sell in one exchange with only trusted users. 972M spirit shards. Looking for best offers, accepting Paypal.
  3. Yep this is it thanks!
  4. I tried searching but I may not know the correct term I should be using, if I want to hit an api on exit to update stats what is the correct way to write it in java?
  5. Hello everyone so I have been working on a lot this week, one of those things is a cowhide collector that also has the ability to tan. The script is not finished yet but runs without flaw from my testing. What it does Loots cow hides in lumby, then banks them. If you start with gold it will tan them before banking. READ INSTRUCTIONS READ IF you want the bot to tan start with gold in your inventory. IF YOU DO NOT want the bot to tan do not start with gold in your inventory. Since this is really early please do not use it on a main.. create a new account and give it cash then profit. Download: http://heinous.tv/osrs.html Things like the paint are still very basic that will be addressed, If you have suggestions, concerns, feature requests let me know! I will be uploading pictures tomorrow of progress, not much to look at right now since its just a simple paint.
  6. HTML, MaterializeCSS, Javascript, and am playing with a node server on heroku.
  7. Thanks for the feedback! My long term goals is to make some kind of posting board for users to upload their videos (like 4chan but only for webm's) and also upvote videos. I have a basic login page done but we are only just touching on servers and PSQL so I don't want to jump the gun and push something that is going to fuck stuff up for people (sql injection etc..)
  8. Hey so I havn't been very active with Runescape due to starting school for full stack web development, but in my free time I have been putting together a website of funny, entertaining, and cringy videos. That I think some of you may find worth watching while scaping. There are currently 470 videos and I try to add some every day when I get the chance. There arn't any ads its just a side project to build with, So yeah let me know what you think of it! Heinous.xyz
  9. The whole thing is a hypocrisy. I can say almost all of these deaths by police could of been avoided if they followed directions. These are not hate crimes, this is a statistic in the making that blacks in low income areas arn't educated and have greater tendencies to be violent. And it is different wherever you go.. where I live the mexican population has a greater tendency to be violent where as the blacks for the most part are all civilized.
  10. Lone

    Road to 2000m!

    Hmm those emails hint you are of minority persuasion
  11. Lone

    RIP Iceland

    Are we talking about soccer
  12. Do this then get Rogue Internal m8.
  13. I've been slow botting on one account and its lasted almost a month now.
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