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Everything posted by Sysm

  1. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/107013-sysms-account-shop-pures-mains-skillers/?p=1198385
  2. just not even gonna bother argueing with you, but please...
  3. thats why they have to fill in thier PP name, i will obv check if its real/and if the details match
  4. then explain why i won the past 10 cases ive had..
  5. ive had a suicide farm for f2p (oak logs) and p2p (sharks) in past and u can notice a diffrence whenever its p2p or f2p in bans alot doesnt matter the amount of bots
  6. u probably bot f2p then i assume :p on p2p there is way less impact from experience
  7. they do it before they pay , its for next time he makes a paypal deal
  8. How is it not? its thier choise to buy from me if they dont want to then they dont fill it in, its not forced
  9. use this: https://form.jotformeu.com/63567353910358 Obv not mine but ur own, works prefect when they chargeback just show paypal this full form filled in with ID and u win case ezpz.
  10. " 1.I am not responsible for any bans during or after the service. " how can a mod approve this this basicly means he can bot it and get away with any bans with mods approval
  11. u need 100 post count first, then u can
  12. i can bot for 7gp.exp or hand done for 12gp/exp
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