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Everything posted by Satan111

  1. http://gyazo.com/c3af5292938794e7706ea1f6b25b34a6 Cutting test finished
  2. Can you please... No? Well that sucks, I was hoping you could set up a combination of tasks. I assumed so since you used check boxes. Progressive programme is setup to get the lower levels for what you could use the task system.
  3. DONE. Waiting for new payment system.
  4. sAIO Fletcher Progressive test : http://gyazo.com/f05968ce468c25d3641c48ddaf8fd3f1 Better paint coming soon.

  5. Satan111


    Found an amazing gfx person :> Script paints gonna be so sexy
  6. Satan111


    sexy as fk isnt it
  7. Because we don't have thanksgiving day in Poland.
  8. I got one suggestion, in your script, use closestAttackableNPCForName as I see normal npcs there, and it's an fighter :p
  9. I feel you Those were the times, when you didn't play for money, you played for fun. SO TRUE. I remember roaming around and would absolutely CRAP if someone gave me something worth 100k, now we aren't happy with 30m, LOL. It INRAGES me when I'm talking to someone and they say, "Ya I'm poor atm only got 20m." It makes me so mad. If only I didn't have to reinstall windows 3 months ago, I would have my 100+ pics of oldschool times
  10. Wrong section sir. nine windows... holy shit... I got only six in my room :>
  11. Probs had weak bones. Was allergic to milk and he was skinny af I broke my arm 5 times playing soccer, I drink atleast half a liter of milk everyday, I'm not skinny nor fat, now I just don't block the ball.
  12. The comment above. Try being original
  13. We have 2 premium, 1 free, and you want to make another one?
  14. AFAIK it supports only loaded areas/points, I might be wrong
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