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Everything posted by Lsd

  1. It sucks aye maine, especially when you grind legit for so long and complete so many gay quests.
  2. Just got back into botting so thought I'd do a Throwback Thursday, Quit When my main got a permanent ban for "Gold farming", Only botted two account's wasn't gold farming trained all of my stats legit except strength and magic, never had any prior offences was nearly maxed turmoil pure on Rs3 before e.o.c, account was made in 2007, Legit void, barrows gloves, torso. R.I.P
  3. Yo man Just got back into botting and purchased your script, Having a few problems with law runes (balloon method) keeps logging out for no apparent reason, it did one run (had to get my pouches out manually), It completed the run took a while after landing on entrana to do anything, crafted runes okay, came back went to bank withdrew air rune and logged out, also no option to change pouch repair, I thought it supported mounted glory > abyss repair I guess not? Edit: is there anyway you could add home tab> glory> abyss pouch repair. and speed up/fix errors with the balloon method, If not is it possible to get a refund I tried the abyss crafting method and almost died several times (had to intervene) so it's kind of useless to me sorry for the hassle brother.
  4. possibly laced marijuana, but I think your were just tripping balls hahaa
  5. oo thanks dude will use one of them as avatar for now, good work
  6. sweet as Yeah should be a test of your creativity and imagination for sure, interested to see what you come up with
  7. I would love a signature or an avatar preferably a sig, with the words LSD merged into it possibly an illusion, or whatever comes to mind when you think of "LSD"? be cool if there was lots of effects lots of colors etc. hope I'm not to late to get one for free , btw nice work so far.
  8. I would go with a man in lumberjack outfit (red and black checker top who is holding a beer in one hand and an axe in the other, the axe is piercing through a steak, whilst the lumberjack is standing he has one leg casually bent and leaning on a tree stump whilst yelling out "timberrrrrrrrr!" this is all taking place inside a circle on the outer circle it has the resturants features or whatever bar,grill,24/7,family,hot steak etc.. also has ginger beard and a wooly beanie (red and black checkered) extremely bad concept but you get the idea ^
  9. mhmm this make's me feel like some good ol' fried chicken from KFC!
  10. Homosexuality (from Ancient Greek ὁμός, meaning "same", and Latin sexus, meaning "sex") is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sexor gender key word being "members" s= plural meaning two or more. It's completely different if you jerk someone else off that is definitely gay, if you jerk yourself it's not gay unless your fantasizing about men. I WILL SLEEP WELL TONIGHT KNOWING I PUT THIS ARGUMENT TO REST
  11. so now your saying if you wore gloves and jerked another guy off it wouldn't be gay?
  12. you could always do a Marilyn mansion and get a few ribs removed.
  13. Looking good boss, do you think you will be adding banking? and with your script does it recognize when your player is in combat like tries to attack another monster while already under attack this especially seems to have been a problem with aggressive monsters and other Aiofighters in the past. and I'm glad it's for free it's good to see someone doing something nice for the community sort of like charity work in a way, and it looks like your not jeopardizing quality either even know it's free, awesome keep on the good work.
  14. I actually signed up to the silk road the day before it got shut down... was going to get me some dmt , now I will never find it
  15. Lsd


    haha I was thinking the exact thing, then scrolled down and saw your comment
  16. great i just bought sxankou yesterday FML
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