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Everything posted by Lsd

  1. PC Specs: I5 - 6600k. 1050 Ti. 16GB Ram. 1 TB. quad core. asus motherboard. @ 3.5mhz could probably overclock quite easy how much could I make weekly with that setup and 1k to invest?
  2. Lsd

    Khal AIO Agility

    hey thinking of buying this, does the agility pyramid work / how well?
  3. How to use computer if auto clicking
  4. hey man purchased your script recently, working good just needs a few little improvements IMO... sometimes it struggles with withdrawing super attack/strength potions(4)... sits outside the bank for 10 seconds when re-supplying... and the mouse is always stagnate when attacking an NPC which seems bot like
  5. yeah I was originally going to buy the NMZ script but thought prayer pots is a wasted expense if I can just train with an auto fighter and not use overheads
  6. Recently purchased czars auto fighter, wondering if anyone has some uncommon / good training places for an account with 20 defence?
  7. Potentially idk bruh 3rd party software ... I don't know how the bot detection works ... plenty of rumours about people getting banned "because they used teamviewer" you all criticise me more then the voices in my head
  8. So I'm not allowed to download anything at work but they have team viewer, basically I'm wanting to start botting next week and I don't want to flag my account early before it's ready ... do you think team viewer would flag the account?
  9. Lsd

    Fruity NMZ

    Does this support ancient mace for special attack?
  10. So I decided to starting boting again and I'm going to be making a pure, just wondering what combat training bans tend to be these days as far as punishment goes temporary or permanent also ban frequency rates?
  11. Yo, what method are you using to train magic?
  12. Idk maine like 5m 07 .. not really that serious
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