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    New Zealand
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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. 97 Cmb 50 attack, 99 strength, 94 mage, 96 ranged, 70 prayer. has veng/void/f cape.
  2. Blast furnace pumper (gives 12,000 strength xp per hour no hitpoints) usually a group of people doing this on world 319. Should be one of the easiest scripts to create and would be super low ban rate. More scripts for ironmen perhaps: Looting steel plate bodies in wilderness and banking for beginner cash. buying soda ash and banking from charter ships>creating buckets of sand > molten glass maker / powered orb blower.
  3. Lsd

    buying 90m

    post prices and method here
  4. this was a more fruitful and helpful response then razer support not for socializing and lol
  5. i own a Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Stealth (kind of stealth like this font i'm using that was the consequential result of copying and pasting my keyboard name, i left said font because the task of changing it seemed daunting and a timely task at that. inhine sight explainig myself was worth it for the comedic result at my despair and contradictory ideologies. anyways my keyboard is fucked might be razer synapse i tried unstalling drivers and software and changing usb and power settings, bios ... it flickered on and off during a razer update then stopped.... so its a software/driver issue...... help pls on screen keyboard sucks
  6. Lsd

    Lots of skills

    70m Hand Done I'll Supply. I did it in 2 days could have done it much quicker.
  7. it's the best for ping, depending on where you live.
  8. Pm me or leave offer here, starting bit 150m.
  9. Main account has firecape, lunars, ancients, barrows gloves,piety, fighter torso, slayer helm, void range/meele, firecape, godbooks, dragon defender. Highlight stats: 193 qp - 99 magic - 99 strength - 85 runecrafting. 58m total xp. Ornate pool / gilded altar. Spent nearly 50 days online Original owner / email.
  10. 60 attack, 89 strength, 52 prayer. - also what location? xp per hour?
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