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Everything posted by gmandad

  1. Posted on the trials thread... thought it'd be better to post here. could i get a 24-48 hour trial please? i have your range+crab script, just wana try this out before i buy it on a throw away account, i do trust your abilities though! thank you!
  2. 35 tops, i'd recommend putting it for 40 and being bid down though.
  3. @Apaec I've tried the script out this morning, baby sitting the bot, and i've noticed there are a few tiny things wrong in my honest opinion. I would of almost certainly died on 3/4 occasions to hob goblin on the west side, it was like the bot didn't know to eat even though it was on 8 hp. i had it set to 50% eating, and swordfish. it had a full inventory... i'm 64 hp on the account and it still hadn't ate. I also had (4) dose combat potions and it wouldn't drink them whatever i tried. I don't know what i'd done wrong, but i can screen grab the settings window if that would help. Cheers.
  4. could i get a trial of the Warriors script please? already have your crab and range guild ones and love them... think its time i try something new! 24/48 please, will be solid running, will provide proggie!
  5. could i get a 24 hour trial please kind sir?
  6. don't worry, my comment is nullandvoid, i actually didn't turn the npc attack option back on after using your range guild script, feel free to flame me xd
  7. Hi Czar, when i'm loading the script all is fine, then it just follows other peoples crabs about, not attacking anything unless its Agro'd by a crab. i'm using east side, setting 4 and setting 3. Cheers, Adam
  8. It's something to do with the injection of the code, jagex regularly change this to combat injection bots, calm down, as soon as the Dev's know their way around the update the bot will be updated. Sit tight!
  9. Yes K-warriors after the waterfall quest, to 75 str+75 range. waited 3 days and started questing, then went off to nmz and used fruitys script to max it, honestly doesn't take too long but those monsters are a nightmare to hit with rune scim! if you need to fund it, make 3 hunter bots and have them running 24/7 while you're training, empty them to a mule one a day then to mule>main once a week. they also pay for themselves bond wise! goodluck!!
  10. was within the last hour, i must admit i panicked a little myself! EDIT: Fixing Typo
  11. i have maxed both builds, I enjoy clan PKing with my AGS pure but in 1vs1 its SO much more fun on my mauler as i don't have to fight those cancerous voiders! good luck with what you choose. you could bot both! i used warriors up to double 70 stats on my mauler then used fruity's NMZ to max it. my ags pure was hand built though.
  12. It's something to do with the injection of the code, jagex regularly change this to combat injection bots, calm down, as soon as the Dev's know their way around the update the bot will be updated. Sit tight!
  13. It's something to do with the injection of the code, jagex regularly change this to combat injection bots, calm down, as soon as the Dev's know their way around the update the bot will be updated. Sit tight!
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