I bought VIP and a script last night, then left it running with random breaks and ignoring random events.
This morning I woke up and saw that the bot had logged me out for my safety because I had too many login attempts. On the client screen, it said that Runescape had updated. I closed both bot and jar, opened both, and now it's stuck at "Initializing mirror client."
I'm not a programmer, but I know enough to figure out that Jagex did some kind of update, and now the bot needs to be updated so that it can work with the new server interface. I also know that it will be updated when it is, and I'm not complaining about that. What I would like to know are two things: Does Jagex do this frequently, as in to break the bots, and does the bot automatically update when it's available, or do we come to this site to update it?