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  1. I think it's a combination of shit timing, system update, and the rotation of new mods.
  2. You say it like... you're on a bot community judging me. LOL I've been botting for a very long time on this acc, maybe since around 2008. Never once have I been banned. But it's not a big deal, 2 day ban. I'll just go back to good old fashion normal play.
  3. Lol! I botted 1k monks today, An hour or so of NMZ, then I was firing up the barrows bot when it just kicked me off. Guess I am gonna have to chill on the botting. I was in Mirror Mode too... Maybe it's that NMZ script...
  4. Dude... I just got 2 day banned too... 15 minutes from a system update. Fishy as fuck... I bot maybe 4 to 6 hours a day at most and I only bot a skill for maybe 2 hours then I go do some slayer or something. My acc is pretty nice too... It's so old it still has a non email login.
  5. This bot works great, but unfortunately it isn't adapting to some of the newer NMZ methods. It needs support for DT because the DT bosses dramatically increase points per hour. Please add some kind of setting for DT bosses and a few others. The bot freaks out and constantly just tries to walk to the destination you set for it to fight (In my case center). Plus it practically breaks when it gets ice barraged/teleported and Fraad breaks it also. Just to give you an idea in NMZ doing a custom dream with DT bosses enabled I made 200k points in roughly 45 minutes to 1 hour. This isn't even the optimal settings for a points only run like I am trying to do which on average can be 1m to 1.5m points an hour. This is my only request!
  6. I have been using the API. Usually I have no problem finding the method I need to perform a task. I was just having a hard time determine which "Item" method checked against the items name. I was using poopbot API, but the community over there is rather dead it seems so I transitioned to here. The bots methods a somewhat similar though not entirely. Believe me though I am not asking questions until I do my own research and testing before hand.
  7. Thanks for the help, not looking to make another Thread I only have a few more questions if you don't mind. Firstly, other bot API's use "sleep" as a method to sort of pause or idle their bots. As far as I can gather is that OSBot uses "random" to do this? Am I correct? Secondly, how would I go about properly interacting with items on the ground? I want my bot to search/identify a specific item on the ground, pick it up, and then bank it. I am having a hard time figuring this out for some reason. Lastly, would it be ok to message you with any further questions I may have?
  8. This is what I wanted, thank you!
  9. This works for "your" character? Because I feel like this might looked for other players as well which wouldn't be right. Does the client refer to you as the "LocalPlayer" but the issue is in the API I can only find .getLocalPlayer. Can I turn it into a variable like you stated above?
  10. I am having a hard time finding a way to check if the player is inside a specific area. Anyone shed of light for me? Also, do someone have any good methods for walking/pathing? I don't need specific code, just some simple logic on whats a good way to do it?
  11. Well, if you do get Brimhaven added I'd buy it for sure. Though the complexity of Brimhaven agility arena makes it difficult to add. But nevertheless keep me updated if you do add it!
  12. Because you can get snapdragon herbs for 10 tickets from that course. Soooo... it's like training herblore and agility at the sametime because if my googling is correct the only other way to get snapdragon weed is either farming or high level bosses.
  13. Does it do the Brimhaven Agility Arena?
  14. Well, the only thing I had to look at a few times was the gear setup pages. Only time the bot got hung up is when one time I set up my gear with a ring of dueling (3) in my ring slot, then when it went to a ring of dueling (2) the bot was like "WHOA WHOA WHERE DID THAT RING GO!" then logged off, but all I did was read the debug panel and fixed it lol. Idk if there is anything you could add to make it any easier, it's just a bot with a lot of setting and functions which I imagine at first glance for most is like "What do I do!?"
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