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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by amkate2

  1. looking for def pure 75 def all 1 35cb pm me your price.
  2. - Script name - Khal Blast Furnace - trial length - A day or so should be fine to test - Reason for trial - Want to test before buying. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Of course
  3. amkate2

    PC Skiller

    I buy for 50m if you ever put on osbot for sale =d
  4. hi I am lookin for defpure 70+ def def and hp only and no email register I wont buy if you got no feedback and 100+posts,send me pm your skype if you got def pure for sale.
  5. 1. Pictures of the account stats - http://prntscr.com/boe2d3 2. Pictures of the login details - http://prntscr.com/boe39l 3. Pictures of the total wealth pretty much junk 4. Pictures of the quests completed - no quests done. 5. The price you will be starting bids at - 15m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account - 25m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting - 07 GP ONLY! 8. Your trading conditions - You will trade gold first unless extremely trusted 9. Pictures of the account status - http://prntscr.com/boe4vb 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address - original owner and user login
  6. amkate2

    70 Def Pure

    i ant going higher then 25m
  7. amkate2

    def pure

    ok thankyou for tellin me
  8. how much can i sell this for http://prntscr.com/bn4w16
  9. amkate2

    def pure

    25m 75 def pure with fire cape 35m
  10. try bot that fills empty jug with watter you dont need 7 qp i think
  11. amkate2

    def pure

    def pure 75def or higher must have 1 atk 1 str 1 range 1 mage only def.
  12. 25m rs07 gp if you would take rs07 gp, message me I well send you my skype if you change your mind.
  13. amkate2

    vps help

    i'm wondering what kinda vps can run 50 osbot clients at same time what kinda cpu i wound need and ram and how much would i need spend on the vps ?
  14. ya it not working it go smith and click on bar to smith then dont makes the amulets
  15. I said 5m cuz i need the cash this account way more then 5m also its not 5m anymore 3 people are buying it, you can be in the bid start add my skype fox.blabla I'm making skype group for the bid battle
  16. http://prntscr.com/au8yen price check plase.
  17. ok I'm selling this account for 5m
  18. I did not bot on this account 5m to low that's price for 76 fishing bro it got hunters and cooking x: and 51 def doing 2 dammge max hit
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