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Everything posted by dakradha

  1. bot isnt working... opens bank and does nothing afterwards. No status showing
  2. i was botting uncharged orbs, maybe nmz which is more afkable is less spotable?
  3. So i got a 1-day ban for botting. Is there a safe amount of time to wait before botting again?
  4. its very similar to the way people train firemaking, with ALL his logs (noted) in the inventory and clicking them on the bank employee to unnote them. I use this to reduce the time between craftings since each snake body uses 15 snake skins
  5. the method i use is to take all snakeskin noted in the invent. unnote them by clicking in the bank and them make 1, them unnote more and so on. its a bit slow, but it doubles the money you invested if you high alch them (costs 150gp to make one, high alchs for 750gp)
  6. Hey Mr Khal, could you please add snakeskin armour to the bot? i figured it can give a lot of money since snakeskin is 10gp and snakeskin body can alch for 750gp
  7. Hey sir, i noticed that after it starts charging the orbs it clicks the "charge orb" spell for a second time for no reason at all (it still works perfectly though). is it possible to remove this second click? i think this is a bit suspicious and may result in a bot detection
  8. ive posted it after the clients update .-. Sorry bruh didnt mean to be a pain. EDIT: Tried it again and now it opens the bank and logs out right after. I really dont know, the script is actually bugged or is it something with my client? your script updates dont seem to affect me
  9. bot is totally bugged, status goes "ladder" doesnt work anywhere.
  10. thank you very much sir, will give it another shot
  11. Do you think its better to bot without graceful then? what about the world hoping? EDIT: its still getting stuck in the chaos druids sometimes EDIT2: still getting stuck in black demons every now and then
  12. sometimes it crashes right before wild gate entrance, others it crashes near the rock before the stairs getting hit by the black demon. The stat says "running to obelisk" i guess. took a pic of the place it gets stuck. Changed the respawn location to lumbridge, death walk doesnt work either, doesnt loot things back and just logs off (if i wasnt watching i would lose my graceful set). world hopper doesnt work aswell. bot logs off and just stops working.
  13. deathwalk and world hop arent working. Got killed yesterday with a teleblock, respawned in falador. it got stuck. Also, can you implement a health range for it to eat? if i have 1hp missing its going to eat a lobster, no matter what.
  14. dakradha


    does this really run from wave 1 to 63? any recommended settings? im not super rich ingame
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