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Give me nats

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Give me nats

  1. @Maldesto is over here like.....
  2. This is never going to happen sorry, I bought a 99 fisher for $30 lol
  3. Well yeah or that, just meant you'll make more doing something else rather than sellin because average people will quote probably 20-25m. Cooking is easy, all round average starter stats and range and magic make it okay.
  4. Truthfully would recommend using as a nature account, just get the runecrafting up and mining a little and enjoy making more money than you'd sell for.
  5. How firm on price? Add my Skype in signature.
  6. I have enough money to buy the scripts thanks. But he's offering free week on his scripts for people who had problems and I did.
  7. Messaged you on skype, need one/two kind of pronto
  8. Buying Nature Account Skype in signature
  9. Everyone seems to do battlestaves or maple longbows
  10. Ah, I bought the script today and the problem everyone else did, Just asked Keven can you get refunds because I thought it hadn't been updated in a while and had same problem, luckily it's fixed. But I can't say no to a free week of a script. Edit : Are you going to be adding 'Varrock tabs' to the script in future not only edge bank?
  11. I said I'd pay her, so all is well.
  12. Haha, I had a lot of orders and @Maldesto wanted it all by hand so asked if he minded my sister helping, she use to play the game so now she's my slave.
  13. My sister is doing yours, priorities buddy, and obviously your account is in there.
  14. Well fuck you.... Couple months before deployment yet.
  15. Hey guys, Very random thread, however, I'll be unavailable for a couple of days, I have to go for some meetings and I injections down south before I deploy in a couple of months, bring on the sunshine.... All active orders will be past to workers for the time being, will still try be available via my phone and give details once completed the orders. Sorry for any delays, however, with Christmas and new year was busy with celebrating with family and friends, then my workers seemed to vanish so orders where started from the beginning unfortunately. But just wanted to notify people so they didn't think I just vanished on you and your orders. Thanks
  16. You're more than welcome to add my skype if want to order a custom account, good luck either way.
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