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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. searched all over the net and all there "solutions" don't work
  2. Dylan


    ///////////////////////////////////////////// FUCK YO TEACHERS like did they give u a warning to stop or anything?? or did they straight up just turn it off?
  3. Dylan


    nah once he does Killua! :P.
  4. i got so many more icons on my desk >.< except they are like 1, 5th of the size of ur giant icons lol.
  5. gay guys? when people say 10/10 would bang and shit like that its a joke >.< its more of a mutual respect for a bro, and a way to boost confidence! or they could be gay.
  6. you caught me! and still cheaper then osbots current monthly prices!.
  7. if anyone can pull it off, its Dex!
  8. yeah i figured, maybe an option to gift it to a friend?
  9. i thought about it, and i can see why they wouldn't do it if they offer vip/sponsor/lifetime, all they lose is "potential customers" for said products nothing else but if they offer credits and people buy scripts with the credits they would be forced to pay the respected scripter for the credits, thus losing money.
  10. ^he wants to ask about the fleshlight also.
  11. can u have the option to convert the prizes to osbot credit :P? for people who don't need vip/sponsor/lifetime
  12. more importantly how was the $4 fleshlight LMAO.
  13. Dylan

    lol >.<

    so im on this website "interpals" to try talk to some people from Vietnam as im going on holiday to Vietnam at the end of august anyway this person just messaged me and for some reason its really awkward, "lyk fun ppl to roll ard wif" anyway long story short, i have a hard time just ignoring someone or being straight up like, yeah... no.... "im not racist i swear"
  14. this 1 time, at band camp.......... for the noobs:
  15. thank you thank you, i swear to fucking god more people need to watch it. are u 100% finished didn't the ending just bring u to tears?
  16. .delete_user:Jmh44:reason:Wedon'tlikeyourkindroundhere. jk . Edit: OMFG OMFG OMFG Edit: fuck u guys i wunna watch eeeeeeet
  17. Dylan


    i guess so .
  18. Dylan


    old archived threads and archived disputes should be separate. I like to clearly see whos been banned and for what reason, whenever i want without scrolling through junk threads.
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