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Everything posted by B II R D
can i get a tril please?
Are they the only stats? If I don't get any more offers you'll be getting a pm No thanks pal
Hey, I'm looking for a skiller. cmb lvl doesn't matter although lvl 3 is preferable. Pet is a bonus. Post what you have and how much. I will only buy from trusted members. PP or RSGP.
could i get a trial please man?
How much? Bans? Any other untradables? Could you post/pm me a picture of the other stats. Would I get access to the original email?
Nowhere near the stats I've asked for in the thread. sorry.
Will msg you this wknd if I don't find anything before, However, I'm really looking for maxed.
Doesn't bother me, I just don't really want to spend lots of time training - Would rather pay more and not have to train
Sorry looking for one with higher stats really
Ideally I am looking for a maxed 60 att 1 def, with highish slayer. I would consider 75 att/up to 20def. Ideally would have cwars gear for clanning. Fully quested. And diaries done as much as pures can. Only willing to buy from trusted users who are original owner. Can pay with RSGP/UKBT/PayPal/Amazon. Post what you have, cheers! I know I'm asking for specifics, but I'm willing to fork out for the right account
No thanks, only looking for someone with lots of vouches, sorry!
I can't mate, other than the fact it is the exact same account that he is selling, and that the login was cjisback@yahoo.com both were maxed 13 def pures with the stats he's pcing, and have cj in login and his user. bit suspicious, I don't know what other proof I can give. I just don't want anyone else to be scammed by him!
Disputed member:http://osbot.org/forum/user/174810-cjbreezey Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/93128-price-check-max-13-def-ags-pure/#entry1031976 Explanation: I am reporting this guy for offsite scamming. I bought the exact same account from him last week that he is price checking here, which was then recovered by him. Evidence: removed- This is the thread on p****bot of him selling the exact same account to me. He is now banned over there for a few reasons. Here is the scam report I posted over there. removedSorry if this is in the wrong section and let me know if you need more from me.
If the login is "Cjishere@yahoo.com" I'd say it's worth a grand total of 0gp, as you'll just recover it. This is the account in question: http://www.p****bot.org/community/topic/1302109-selling-maxed-addy-pure-75-attack-45-days-membership-left-fully-quested-original-owner/#entry15856021 Which you sold to me and then took back. http://www.p****bot.org/community/topic/1303434-scam-report-intensee/
Looking for a little higher sadly. Cheers for the reply though
wanting to buy a skiller. The higher total the better obvs. Only looking to buy from someone trusted who is also the original owner. I can pay in RSGP/UKBT/Paypal/amazon, Let me know what you have Doesn't have to be 3cmb, but must be 1 def.
Range level: 92 Def level: 1 Prayer level: 52 Hitpoints level: 85 What xp do you NOT want me to get(if any - cannot be ranged or hitpoints, lol.): def. Have you added my Skype(Saranovicskype) yes If not, have you PM'd on OSBot?: added Do you agree to the Terms of Service?: yes Will you give Feedback?: yes
Hey, as the title says I am looking at buying 100-150m for UKBT. As I doubt anyone will want to go first to me; I will go first to extremely trusted users. If not a MM will be used. Post below if you can sell any, ideally looking for 50m+ at a time. Thanks
I'm still banned and have received no messages.