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  1. can i get a tril please?
  2. Are they the only stats? If I don't get any more offers you'll be getting a pm No thanks pal
  3. Hey, I'm looking for a skiller. cmb lvl doesn't matter although lvl 3 is preferable. Pet is a bonus. Post what you have and how much. I will only buy from trusted members. PP or RSGP.
  4. could i get a trial please man?
  5. B II R D

    WTB A pure

    How much? Bans? Any other untradables? Could you post/pm me a picture of the other stats. Would I get access to the original email?
  6. B II R D

    WTB A pure

    Nowhere near the stats I've asked for in the thread. sorry.
  7. B II R D

    WTB A pure

    Will msg you this wknd if I don't find anything before, However, I'm really looking for maxed.
  8. B II R D

    WTB A pure

    Doesn't bother me, I just don't really want to spend lots of time training - Would rather pay more and not have to train
  9. B II R D

    WTB A pure

    Sorry looking for one with higher stats really
  10. B II R D

    WTB A pure

    Ideally I am looking for a maxed 60 att 1 def, with highish slayer. I would consider 75 att/up to 20def. Ideally would have cwars gear for clanning. Fully quested. And diaries done as much as pures can. Only willing to buy from trusted users who are original owner. Can pay with RSGP/UKBT/PayPal/Amazon. Post what you have, cheers! I know I'm asking for specifics, but I'm willing to fork out for the right account
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