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  1. Noticed perfect agility is removed from store; are you currently working on this? I would like a trial, but not if it does not work currently, or if you have not been updating it. Also, how in the world does it have 225k/hr proggies??
  2. Working well at body alter My old milky-eyed computer is using a fluctuating 70-90% CPU and 56% memory on 2 simultaneous mirror-modes, so an upgrade is in order, but it is working as intended on low CPU and with "disable client rendering" checked. No other applications running lol... EDIT: I decided to free up some space and play my main (master) OFF WiFi on my phone. Do you think this could provide some extra security?
  3. Do you have an ETA on the next update? I play with bonds around irl events
  4. Does this support demonic gorillas? I.E. prayer flicking, gear changing, etc
  5. Found an odd bug. Tried running master/worker for F2P body runes on mirror with ONLY random delays enabled. Works fine outside of Edgeville bank. Once worker returns to retrieve essence, it does the following: -Opens bank -Retrieves proper essence & essence count -Idles I have even tried closing the bank to try and jump-start it; nothing happens though. It takes walking closer to the yew trees that the script will kick in and begin to work flawlessly until the next return to the bank.
  6. Are there any active master/worker progress reports? Also is it possible to track (like experience) how many essence were traded over, etc?
  7. Thank you for the clarification. Yes I purchased the script a little while ago, tried the master worker and it did not work. This was probably in 2017 and I did not make much of an attempt to really try to make it work since I was so busy IRL. When I go to the SDN scripts page, it does NOT appear in my collections page. I will re DL the client and look for it there. UPDATE: Downloaded the client, logged in stealth injection, script appeared in the script selector. Not going to attempt it until I am ready to use mirror, but will keep updated if and once that occurs. Thank you for the detailed info
  8. I apologize if I am seeing through your recent comments, but does that mean nobody has access to Perfect Runecrafter? For about a year I have been trying to find the time to hand-train at least 5 accounts for worker roles so I can powerhouse my main's RC, though life has kept me busy. If this is unavailable henceforth, do you have an idea of how/when you will release a version which will include master/worker? Thank you
  9. How does someone go 1 month, not bot, consider coughing up $100 for the purposes of name coloring, and get banned the very next day after this post... Interesting society is interesting IMO
  10. Applied this " --mode=OFF " and will respond with results after a bit of testing. Thank you for link
  11. Hello, This issue has happened every so often throughout the years. It has occurred on RSPS clients, historical OSBot clients, and now on Runelite. It has not been an issue for the last 2 weeks (since I started using RL). It has NEVER happened on OSBuddy and still does not in light of Runelite glitching out. Whenever I mouse-over different tabs the entire layout of the client starts this weird cascading effect. Minimizing or moving client around the screen temporarily fixes this issue. Cannot tell if this means I need to update Java, or if something else is wrong but I am tired of it happening to my clients. EDIT: Java is current and issue still arises. Has anybody else run into this problem before? Any potential fixes? Thanks
  12. ...you end the season as silver 4 with stats like these AS AN ADC MAIN
  13. Hello, Not looking for a trial (yet) but have some questions. This seems very low key, due to the lack of in-game time spent, so are there many reported bans? I couldn't imagine so, but I have been out of the botting scene for a bit, since all of the big busting pushed over at jamflex. Thanks
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