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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. Dont know but this is interesting please someone tell us.
  2. great this is awsome Welcome to the community enjoy.
  3. well done they look nice but dont need it atm.
  4. Yeah its crazy and scary, they said they screamed ala huakbar before they didi it.
  5. I'm not new but i never made a introductions I have been playing runescape since 2012, i know all the scams and tricks haha used to bot in old days was fun.
  6. WTF I had 12 hours progress screenshot but the osbot screeshot doest take the bot paint it just takes the screen fml and also i got banend after getting 79 woodcutting. GJ
  7. Hello I just bought the bot its amazing as far as I've used it, just one suggestion if you could please add hop only F2P world and also if it doesn't find any world with less of the amount given, it should stay on one for 30 min(or so) before hoping again, thanks mate thank you very much.
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