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Trade With Caution
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About S0da_pop

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  1. will be begging later today. still open for 1 or 2 others!
  2. thanks dude. I hear ya but im working on a few at the moment also. but need to start some where for feedback wise lol.
  3. title says it all. im not going first. will send payment gifted after for your convenience. drop skype below if interested.
  4. Hey guys, looking for 3 more workers for my [account creating] services. Must be well rounded in leveling/questing please read TOS below.. T.O.S 1. You will need to pay a 10m deposit before starting the service. This will be NOT be refundable if you choose to leave, it will also NOT be refundable if you are caught scamming or are kicked from the team. 2. You may not work on any orders outside of the service, If you are you will be kicked without a refund. 3. On every order you complete I will deduct 8% of the payment. 5. Whether you have any uncompleted orders or not you must check in with me everyday and report your progress 6. You may not take any payments from customers 7. You may not take any orders for our service UNLESS I gave you permission 8. Reasons you may be kicked: - Not completing an order you've accepted -Being inactive without informing me before hand - disrespecting your co workers or customers 9. Any violation of the T.O.S will result in a termination WITHOUT refund! 10. You must never at any time have any disputes against you, IF you do it is at MY full discretion whether to remove you from the service or not. Application: (Please post in the thread below, Do not pm this to me) Do you agree to the T.O.S: Will you pay the deposit in full (must): What position(s) are you applying for: How many hours are you available a week: Your Skype: Positions available: ( you may apply to be someone who does more than one position, if so please list off everything you can do) Questers: Powerlvlers: Firecape: My skype: thebrokencrayon
  5. progress pics. http://prntscr.com/8ypqwf
  6. Welcome to S0DAS ACCOUNT CREATION forum. This forum service is for creating accounts. Dont want to buy one? Want it specifically made? Want specific stats? Here is your chance! 1. You may not log into the account during a service unless you have permission from the owner of the service, doing so will result in the termination of the service with NO Refund. 2. You MUST NOT change the details of the account until the service has been completed, doing so will result in a void service with NO Refund. 3. If there are any items required for the service, it is between you and the service owner to come to an agreement on who covers them 4. You MUST change your password after the service is completed 5. If you have any substantial wealth on the account, it is your responsibility to protect it (Either Bank Pin/Transfer Trade) 6. Once the service is complete you must leave Feedback for the relevant parties involved 7. You MUST Post on the service thread to acknowledge their individual T.O.S and start the service 8. If the Service is requested to be done legit, any T.O.S related to bans/mutes become obsolete (Unless evidence can be provided of prior botting) READ BELOW All accounts can be customized/stats ect, this will determine the length of time it will take. If you need members services done your account must be supplied as a member before we begin. All payments will be done before, no exceptions until you are a well known customer. equipment will need to be supplied for specific stats, Magic/range/ ect. (runes/arrows). Can leave X amount on account for this if you wish, can be discussed prior. *Order Form* Complete this before adding my Skype and post below. Have you read and do you agree with the T.O.S.: Stats requests: Skype address: Have you messaged me via the forums after the conversation on Skype: My skype: Thebrokencrayon
  7. didnt know u needed 75 for tentacle whip also -___________________________-
  8. my god, 2-3 yesterday with same dude.. destroyed first 2 last 3 got 1 ticked 47-55 gs'ed lol................ know how hard it is not to safe with 55 life knowing it could end!! haha... need a ags.
  9. ive heard it was a bad idea to go up from 60, but i cant see why people said that lol. like im trying to find a negative in doing so
  10. true. but the cb difference, think it will matter?
  11. So right now i am, 60 att 45 def 91 str 52 prayer 85 range 91 mage (working on 94) im about 50% pk ratio atm, still do pretty well with out veng, but obv looking to get it. however most times i die i get ags/bgs speced out... now my question is is it worth the 4.5 combat levels to get 75 attack? right now im 88, but with my full build at 75 att would be 93.. with the attack i get Gs's whip DH axe, bigger KO weps, but atm i only use DDS and D2h, is it worth??
  12. when i start it there just turns on a red screen, then nothing happnens? worked fine before the update?
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