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  1. Got banned with this script, permanently only few hours of usage.
  2. Can I have a trial please ?
  3. Can I have a trial ? I have already own one of Your scripts.
  4. I see the only issue, once you put ore in a cart, you want to go back to second floor mouse moves on stairs with unhuman behaviour like 5 times up 5 times down... Not always, but sometimes it does like this.
  5. Cannot pickpocket warriors just standing there... Stealing from silk stall getting attacked by the guard, waits till he slays you... Does this script even work ? Tried on master farmers and it does nothing, why such a difficult UI to select seeds...
  6. Very nice script! bought it, works perfectly! Khali, would You add support for minnows fishing in fishing guild for sharks ?
  7. Well i did not do just agility, i did quests in breaks, i did agility on my own when i had time, still got banned.
  8. On 2nd day use got banned... Used from 25 to 58... Especially on varrock roof course it looks so unhuman behaviour...
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