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  1. Bot is currently down atm, I will be posting download link on this thread soon for this script until it gets on the sdn. This link should be available in a couple days, got to fix bugs and work on it when bots back online before release.
  2. Yes their is a good quality antiban in this script works great. I'm currently working on newer version of script. This upcoming version I will be re writing the code cleaning everything up and looking on making it run flawlessly / stable. I will report back to here when I finish.
  3. THanks for the progress report ! I still haft to fix profit hour and make things alil faster, this was giving me about 120k hour. as for the ban I don't understand how you got banned that fast i made it from lvl 8 - 74 crafting and still going strong
  4. Sending you a PM now beta release dont leech, repost. Check your pm
  5. im very interested in seeing how this works, please send me a snippet in pm
  6. Sure I can do that! If you would like me to make you a private script Id be happy to we can work somethin out. rip me a pm bro what exactly do you want to craft?
  7. Username: IBOTILIVE Account Rank: Wanna be Scripter I Goal: Become Scripter II Shit post, throw some shit my way please ;D
  8. Frustrated why my script not gettin any love.

  9. If anyone uses this at least post reply saying "I use this!" lol, I got to fix when you level up in crafting it just sits their. I'm just starting scripting again and just learning as I go. So i'm sure its a quick and easy fix.
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