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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Morova

  1. Can do this. PM me or add me on discord Morova#2155
  2. Must be insane. Gold goes for $1+/m now.
  3. Title says all. Add me on discord Morova#2155
  4. Will buy all. Morova#2155 is my discord
  5. It walked there after using falador teletab.
  6. also this has happened like 4 times today.
  7. Appreciate the plug, fren, but due to recent extortion attempts I'm only working for my regulars until such a time I am able to better filter clients.
  8. It's the standard one. Will the regular walker still take the wall shortcut?
  9. When it gets to the door in taverly dungeon where those guards are in front of the door, it gets stuck after clicking the door once or takes an excessively long time to click it the other two necessary times. There isn't an error in the log but I can try to get video if you like
  10. Title says it all. If you've been here a while, you know me and my reputation. You're going first or MM unless I know you from the shitbox. Skype is in sig.
  11. 75m. Your supplies. All hand done. Can go to 65m if you provide pray pots and don't mind me doing a method other than NMZ (better xp and more AFK) but if NMZ points are a factor for you then 75m.
  12. 20m you and we split the money from sharks. Done before 3pm tomorrow afternoon. it is midnight now
  13. Morova


    Can I get a trial for this please?
  14. Morova


    If parsing them out piece by pass, I can do prospector for 12m. Takes about as long as void does IME and that's what I charge for void.
  15. Morova

    Mage Arena 2

    Only thing people laugh at is you slaving for 1m and trying to farm fb.
  16. Morova

    Mage Arena 2

    Prob Goldas and Dbuffed themselves after getting BTFO'd over starting shit.
  17. Morova


    Can do all of these for 70m. Hand done.
  18. Title says all. I'm fucking hungry
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